Squirrel Sunday - Art Installation Vandal

in Weekend Experiences3 months ago (edited)

It is time for another #squirrelsunday

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A sneaky vandal has spotted the humans making a fancy art installation in his territory.

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These humans have no taste in art. I will send them a message after I finish scratching off this annoying flea. Sure, my territory is infested with fleas but heck if I'll have modern art infesting this place too!

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The art in question is mother earth laying in profile on an open grassy field. The squirrel tried to read the full artist's statement but it all sounded like post-modern garbelygook to him, so he proceeded with his plan.

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Off to the forest I go. First, I'll need a couple of these...

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The humans will laugh their asses off at my prank and hopefully stop building these awful tourist attractions in my area. He couldn't stop snickering to himself...

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Wala, the squirrel has achieved his vandalism. A couple well placed pinecones make all the difference. Now this thing is x-rated and no one will be able to bring their families with kids here anymore.

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Meanwhile the garden keeper witnessed the whole thing during his lunch break. Hey you over there, I will tell the humans about this unless you give me 100 walnuts by tomorrow.

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The vandal barely even has one walnut at home. I'd better run and wait this thing out until they hire a new garden keeper...

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He ran so fast he was a blur. As it turned out he ended up living in the alleyway of a human city eating cardboard boxes until they hired a new garden keeper. At least the pizza boxes had a nice aftertaste... Such is the price for defacing a great artwork in the human world. At least he didn't spill soup all over it...

That's all for now, thanks for looking :-)


An interesting forager and a playful one at that ;))

He's always getting into trouble for his humor.

the soup on Mona Lisa protest was an environmental group. Maybe squirrel is really a greenie protesting the astroturfing over of Mother earth lol

The squirrel is a big advocate of carbon taxes, surely buying climate indulgences will help build the train through the ocean to eliminate polluting air travel.

Hahaha as usual your story made me laugh

The squirrels are full of chaotic humor.

The translator also how lucky you are to understand them hahaha

How lovely! I especially liked the photos where the squirrel with cones😀

I was lucky to catch one actually with a pine cone, then it did a strange wash of its head after picking up the pinecone. Maybe it found some sap or something in it to rub on itself lol. It helped me think up a funny story.