The Three Things I Consider The Most Important. #weekend-engagement 204

Hello friends! Good day. This is my entry for the #weekend-engagement contest of week 204. There are good engagement topics given out for this week. We are really going to engage our brains and minds in giving our opinions to these great issues which has some significance on our existence.

I want to give my opinion on the subject of apocalyptic world and those things I consider to be the most important. So, I am considering the fourth topic on the list of topics.

In an apocalyptic world in which society has we know has completely broken down (no power, running water, government, law, fuel etcetera) what would you say the three most important skills or things to have would be and why?

In my opinion, the most important things are those resources or things that are vitally important for our survival. There could be more of such materials but since we are asked to outline three, I will only pick those ones I consider very important to support our survival.


Water is an essential requirement for life. No living creature can possibly survive days without drinking water. Scientifically, we have learned that man cannot survive beyond three days without taking in water. In fact, there is an assertion that one can survive many days without food but surviving without water for three days is deadly. So, water is a very important resource that we must have. Many activities domestically and industrially are water dependent. Many manufacturing companies use water as their major raw material. So, the need for water is high in our society.


Air also is an essential necessity. We breathe air to survive. The need for pure unpolluted air supply is very important to support life. Life processes are all dependent on oxygen and other components of air. Our biological metabolism requires air. Even green plants require air to synthesize food which humans and other animals eat. The need for air cannot be overemphasized.


To carry out life's processes, we need energy. Energy is defined as the ability to do work. This means that without energy, we might not have the ability to do work. If work can be done, then the world would absolutely be broken down. Biologically, domestically, industrially, and economically energy is highly needed on a day to day basis. Having energy is a basic requirement for the world to be sustainable. In recent days, we suffered the pain of lack of fuel in my country. That revealed to me that energy must be properly sourced and we'll manage to keep the world going.

My Recommendations

Having outlined what I consider to be the most important resources to possibly save the world from a total collapse, I wish to make the following suggestions on how we can remedy the impending doom.

There should be a committed effort from individuals and the government to ensure that clean drinking water is made available. Activities that destroy our water bodies should be avoided. Reservoirs that can store clean water should be established.

There should be more improvement of the vegetation to ensure proper regulation of the air. Activities that promote air pollution should be avoided.

Energy sources should be harnessed to make sure that we have a constant and adequate supply of energy for societal use.

These are my few thoughts on this subject. Thank you for reading my blog.