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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 62: Skills you have or want

I'm trying to get into making more of my digital art from scratch, without any psd or free for commercial use pictures. Obviously some things call for a more traditional approach though. Here's an original one that I did from scratch for Hive:



Cool! Reminds me of the view through a kaleidoscope actually. I don't do any art, unless one may consider the art of bullshitting a legit art.

Hmm, screw it, I'm counting it! 🤔

lol, it's a fine art! Let's not forget about the art of writing! You practice that all the time too :)

Writing can be an art, I'll pay that. I'm not sure how good at it I am, but I enjoy it and that's important.

If you have written? You are a writer!!!

This is simple but impactful. True also.

I've no idea how this works but it must be a fun thing 😄

It is fun, but this method is also a little difficult :)

Difficult things often have an adventurous outcome 😉

That's what I am hoping for :) Adventurous and perhaps a lot of fun!!!

Best of luck with that😄🙏

Thanks so much, I will need it :)

It is truly a fun and a fun to the core. You need to see how her is making it happen

This is truly amazing and great skill you have right here. I cherish your skin

I'm glad you like it :) There are a couple more here as cover imimages too