Ice cream chitchat with a high school friend and enjoying the ME time weekend.

in Weekend Experiences26 days ago

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Last Friday night, my high school friend and I decided to meet on Sunday afternoon. There is no reason; we just want to spend our free time together. Because of the hot weather, we planned to eat ice cream and drink milk tea on that day because there's a milk tea stall in our area now.

While waiting for Sunday to come, I decided to watch the Basketball League's finals last Saturday on our RHU-covered court with my cousins. I enjoyed watching the game play as the game score is so satisfying and the people who support both teams have a 'bardagulan' while watching.

Sunday came, and we decided to meet by 2:00 in the afternoon. But the weather was not good, as the thunder is rumbling and there's a little rain pouring. But good thing, because the little rain stopped and I was able to go to our meeting place.


While walking, I noticed the bamboos nearby. It was burned. Actually, this happened when I was not around in our barangay. My grandma told me that when I asked her awhile ago about what happened in that place, she said that someone set a fire on that place, and it was because of the issue of that land. They want the owner to go away. But the owner didn't want to.


Looking at the weather while walking, I am hoping that it will not rain again because I was wearing a hearing aid. Wearing a hearing aid is not good, especially when there's thunder. I am glad because I still saw Mr.Sun.


The school is just near our house. We plan to just hang out inside the school. And on this way, I am already near the school. I noticed the bunting made with plastic bags that was hung on the poles. I feel so ignorant, you know? Because it was the first time in our barangay to experience the festival, and I am excited for May 23–25. I wonder what activities we will do on these days.

Anyway, when we both arrived at the store, we bought ice cream and soft drinks. The store owner asked what kind of soft drinks we would buy, and I asked her what was available. She told me a lot of names, but I just noticed the last word she said, Coca-Cola, "Mismo?". I answer her jokingly, "No. Next question, please." And my friend just spanked me on the butt because of my sillyness. I just rolled my eyes at her. Duh At the end, we bought two bottles of Coca-Cola Mismo because the Milktea store was closed yesterday. 🙄

When we entered the school, there were a lot of students inside. Some of them are doing a dance practice. Maybe because they have a group activity or for their graduation performance. My friend and I are both "I" in our MBTI, so we chose the place to sit where some people couldn't see us.

We start to eat the ice cream while we start a conversation about some things that we can talk about. We both share about some experiences in some situations that we didn't talk about in the past, especially the high school moments. We talked like we were recording a podcast because we were both enjoying the questions we asked each other, and I learned that we both have similarities in some things from the past that we didn't show that much. There are also some lessons that I learned from her, and while talking, she said that every time we talk, she can see me as a different person, and I have a mature mindset in life, which I didn't expect. The fun part of our chitchat time was about her experiences at work. I laughed a lot because she had a lot of funny experiences at work that I never expected. She shared some sides of herself with me that she had never shown to anyone before.

I don't know, but that was the time when I laughed again, forgetting the pain that I felt. I never talked to her about what I was going through now. I just like to talk to her about random topics that can entertain me.

And because we talked a lot, we didn't notice that our ice cream had already melted, and we didn't notice the time. We've been talking for a long time. Well, that's proof that we enjoyed talking about a lot of topics.

I admit I used the Remini app to make our picture more clear and to lessen our haggard looks.

Before we said goodbye to each other, of course, we took a lot of pictures first. We don't know when we will meet again because we are both busy after this. She will find another job because her contract in Taguig was done, and I will do the same. I mean, she suggested something to me, and I don't know if I can do it. I'll try.


We took a different route home because he was from a different barangay.

When it is nighttime. I am not as lively as what I show the whole day. It's been a long time since the last time I drank alcohol in my room. I used to have a clean and organized room before, but now, when I got home from Urdaneta, I don't have any energy to clean up some mess everywhere. I let our house not be organized and clean and just let the people around me do whatever they wanted.


I bought 6 pcs of Smirnoff, but I set aside the other 3 pc of bottles in the box, and I decided to drink the 3 pcs yesterday night. I also bought a snack to pair with the drink.


I drank an alcoholic beverage last night, not because I wanted drama. I drink because I just want to gather a lot of my thoughts and feel the last pain.

Well, I woke up late in the morning. I woke up without any feeling, but I just wanted to sleep more before I wrote this blog. We were supposed to have an outing today with my other high school friends, but our plan got cancelled because of the schedule of our one friend. I'm glad! because I don't have any energy to go outside for now.

Anyway, that is all the happenings on my weekend. I hope you enjoyed reading!


On this blog, I am happy to share about my weekend experience. I watched the basketball league on Saturday night, and I met my high school friend on Sunday afternoon. I also get a chance to drink an alcoholic beverage on Sunday night as part of my "me," or, should I call it, fun time.

DATE: May 20, 2024


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