A Taste of Tim's Medicine.

in The Ink Well2 months ago (edited)

Tim was my online friend whom I met via Facebook many years ago. According to him, my profile picture attracted him enough to send me a friend request.

After chatting with him for a while, we became very good buddies. I realized he lived in my hometown, and that made us even closer.

"Wow, since I live in your hometown, how about us seeing during the festive period when you come to visit your grandparents?" His suggestion was nice, but then I didn't like to travel so much because of the high rate of insecurities on the road. Maybe when I have money for the flight, I'll come to visit," I jokingly replied.

Tim kept persuading me to come around so that we could see, and I wasn't even taking his persuasion seriously.

This continued until we were about one year and a few months into the friendship.

"Hello Amie, I have something to tell you; can I FaceTime you?" His message was the first thing that popped on my screen that morning, and I was wondering what he had to say to me. "Oh, okay, now's a good time; hope nothing?" I replied just immediately, and in less than a few minutes, his call came in.

We began to talk about random stuff, and he was a funny and handsome dude. After a while, Tim began to express his love for me, and I wasn't having it. Simply because I wasn't a fan of blind dates, I politely turned down the offer and thought that wouldn't affect our friendship.

Suddenly, I noticed he had blocked me on Facebook, as I could no longer see his updates on Facebook or even find his profile, though we still chat once in a blue moon on WhatsApp. I kept my cool and acted like nothing happened.

One day, I saw his status about him owning a new fashion outlet in my hometown, and I was super excited for him. "Hey Tim, congratulations on your new achievement; I wish you the best." That was exactly the message I sent him via his WhatsApp, but it took forever to reply, and till the end of that day, he never replied. He was ignoring my messages, and I was wondering why.

To make matters worse, he kept posting on his status to prove that he was online, so I just let the matter slide.

The next morning, I still tried to reach out to him and say, "Hey, Tim, are you good?" I was still ignored, so I decided to let him be.

After some weeks, I saw his message pop on my screen: "Hey Amie, how are you?" I was very happy because it was about time to give him a taste of his own medicine.


I ensured it ticked blue to make him see I read the message, and then I ignored him and went ahead to post on my WhatsApp different cute pictures of me enjoying my life, and then I posted a few people that meant so much to me outnumbering him.

"Oh, so I do not mean a thing to you, right?" He messaged me yet again, and I ignored him yet again.

"Amie!!!! How are you?" Tim kept messaging me non-stop, and I kept ignoring him, and then he resorted to chatting with himself on my wall.

"Amie Geoffrey, how are you?" He would reply to himself, "I am fine. How are you, Tim?" It was so funny to me that he kept chatting himself up until he realized I wasn't even ready to speak to him. "Amie, I am sorry. I know you're upset with me."
I still ignored him; he resorted to calls, and I also declined the calls.

After some hours, I managed to ask, "So how does it feel to be ignored?" He was so surprised that I kept a record of the way he ignored me a few weeks ago, and so he apologized to me and told me he did that to get my attention, but it was to no avail.


He apologized yet again, and we finally let a sleeping dog lie and continued our friendship even though we didn't date, and until today, he's still one of the best friends that I've ever come across on the net.

Image by freepik

Image by jcomp


I hate being ignored and my family knows that very well. I payback immediately by ignoring the calls or texts too except my mom. You did what was right because I would have done the same too... It's good he learned a lesson.

I'm glad I gave him a taste of his medicine and now he knows better.

Sometimes there are bumps in friendship relationships, luckily they managed to overcome their differences and continue their sincere friendship.

Thanks for sharing your experience with us.

Good day.

That's right, thanks for coming around.

Tim was really acting childishly and you did well by granting him a taste of his own dose.

Yeah, he learned a lesson and is now a better person, thanks for visiting.

You're welcome

Everything seemed to be on track for an interesting date that was interrupted by such a situation. Have you ever wondered if you had seen each other instead? Good thing that despite everything, you are still good friends ☺️

Hehe, maybe someday we'll get to see thanks for stopping by.

You have a very good friendship, if it survived those challenges. This story has a really nice cadence and some wonderful humor. It's a very enjoyable read! Thank you for sharing your creative nonfiction story in The Ink Well, and for reading and commenting on the work of other community members.

Thanks for having me.❤

If you ignore me without an apology at least that same day even if it takes hours, I will definitely feel hurt. I love the way you made him taste the feeling of being ignored as well. You did not only do the right thing but carried your self worth like hot akara on your head, lolz .if not some of these guys will feel that we can't do without them
I hope he learned from the experience

Yes ooo, me too have pride, and you can't just trample upon me like I am a piece of rag. Haha Thank you for visiting.❤

He got served the right dosage lol

Are you sure you are not a nurse Ammie😅


Hahaha, yes, please. Thank you for coming around.

Hahaha, no cap. Thanks for visiting .