Dear Vivian

in The Ink Well4 months ago

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It was a beautiful morning with the gentle sway of trees seemingly sending ripples of breeze through my window. The golden rays of the sun rising in all it's glory in between blue clouds on the horizon seemed like an abstract canvas of a complicated painting from an ancient genius.

It was a typical day that held a lot of promises and seemed ready to deliver on all of them. So I got dressed and left the door closed behind me in high spirits, earphones stuck in my ear with high tempo hiphop songs sending vibrations through my ear drums. I was pumped and ready for the day, with my to-do well sewn out in my phone and ready to be ticked off one after the other.

I took a last glance at my to-do list before boarding the bus to school as that was my first point of call. It was already getting really sunny with the heat smoldering in its intensity and burning in it's sensation. I took one step at a time, trying to focus my mind on the task at hand and not get distracted by the harshness of nature.

I eventually got to the office, knocked and went in only to be greeted by an empty desk and a dusty chair that seemed to be laughing at my profusely sweating forehead as if it being covered in dust gives it the same feeling as me being covered in sweat.

Dabbing off the sweat and disappointment off my face, I walked over to the next desk to inquire about the whereabouts of the occupant of the now empty and dusty chair.

"Good morning ma" I started politely.

"Good morning" she replied blandly without looking up

"I'm looking for this woman" I said pointing at the empty table and seat.

"She's not in today" came the reply again, blandly. "You'll have to come back some other day"

"Okay, thank you" I said walking out of the office with lots of contorted thoughts whirring in my head. The long trek down here, the transport fare, and of course the heat as I looked out at the searing sun that looked like the devil doing the Great Deity's work, by using the sun to warn us of what hell will feel like.

I took solace in the fact that the day was still young and I could still achieve much. So I stepped out into the heat, stepping delicately on the dusty road to avoid being soaked in it. I boarded the next available bus and was greeted at the entrance by a nauseous smell that seemed to emanate from the driver's armpit.

It was as if the day was bent on getting worse, but I managed to endure the nauseous smell and the smelting heat to get to the studio. "Finally, some relief" I thought as I opened the door and went inside and turned on the Air conditioner. Then I sat down, put on the system to start working, only for there to be power outage.

I stared blankly into space trying to figure out what just happened. There's rarely any power outage in this part of town, "so why today?" I thought as I looked grievingly at the balls of sweat that was getting reborn on my skin as the heat gathered momentum again.

Just then the door flung open and Vivian walked in swiftly

"please help me with your flash drive" she asked before adding "and why are you looking like that?" as I rummaged the table seeking out the drive she was asking for.

"it just hasn't been my day" I replied stretching out my arms helplessly and handed over the flash drive to her

"I'm sorry about that" she answered kindly "but you can come use my space if it's an urgent job, we've put on the generator" she added with a cute smile

"are you sure?" I queried trying hard to hold back my excitement.

This she replied with a nod of the head and I rushed out immediately with her. As I stepped into her space, I was greeted by the cool breeze of the air conditioner that gradually extinguished the loitering balls of sweat on my skin. It was as if someone had dragged me out of hell and into the garden of eden. I went straight to work.

Few minutes later, she came into the space with two cups of ice cream and handed me one. I took it off her hands, staring intensely into her eyes wondering who this angel is that has been such a saving grace to me on such a seemingly miserable day. A day that seemed not to have anything good in it had turned out to be one of my most fruitful for the week, all thanks to Vivian.

As I finished and was about to leave, I did not know the appropriate way to thank her, and all my attempts only elicited a good hearty laughter from her, who thought I was being funny. She did not know that, that was the sweetest thing anyone has done for me recently and I felt a great deal of debt to her.

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Vivian was indeed an angel. She rescued what was already a terrible day for you.

We all need someone like Vivian on our worst days.

Yeah we do.. And I hope we always get it

Your day started out horribly! It's amazing how some simple things like cool air, a good friend and some ice cream can make it all better.

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