Dazi Designs

in The Ink Well6 months ago

Walking along the lonely bush path leading to the stream, Dazi thinks of his life and that of his family."I have to do something about the current situation of my family," Dazi said. Some of the passersby laughed and said to one another, "Dazi must be crazy." Dazi heard this and was embarrassed. Then he realized he was thinking out loud.



Dazi was a young, handsome man who had just graduated from high school. He is the first son of Mazi Haki. Mazi Haki is well known in Tutako Village for his hunting skills. But Mazi Haki has a drinking problem. All the money he makes from selling his goods goes into drinking. This habit has affected his family negatively. He cannot train his four children in school and also cannot provide for their other needs. His wife, Ntika, sells vegetables in the market; the money she makes is not enough to take care of the family.
"Good evening, Mummy." Dazi greets her mother. "My son, welcome," Ntika replies. "Mummy, I have something I want to tell you," Dazi says as he sits on the small wooden chair in the kitchen. Ntika looks at her son and says, "My son, can't it wait? You can see I am trying to make dinner.". Dazi replies with a shaky voice, "No, Mummy, it can't wait." "Okay, let me hear it," Ntika said. "Mum, are you happy with the condition of this family? We can't even eat a good meal; my siblings are not in school, and I can't further my education because there is no money. Mum I have made a resolution this night; I will be traveling to the city on Monday morning," Dazi said. "No!!!!!!!!" Ntika shouted. "What do you want to go and do in the city?" she asked Dazi. "Mum, I want to be a fashion designer, and I have a fashion house I am going to work under," Dazi said. "Well, I cannot stop you since your mind is made up, and I know you have a passion for fashion design. "Go and succeed, my son," Ntika said. Dazi smiled and said, "Thank you, mom."

Dazi arrived at Jack's house, where he was going to stay until he could get his own place. The city was so different from the village he came from. In the village, they lived a communal life, but here everyone minded his or her own business. This was strange to Dazi."Jack, over here in the city, you guys don't relate to each other?" Dazi asked. Jack laughed and replied, "Here everyone minds their business, but there are great people here too." "How is everyone at home?" Jack asked. "They are all fine, Jack. Look at your house; it's very beautiful," Dazi said. "Thank you, my friend; with hard work, you can have something better than this," Jack replied with a smile. Dazi nodded because he knew Jack's story was that of grass to grace.

Jack took Dazi to Martin Fashion House and registered him as a student there. He paid for Dazi's tuition and gave him all the equipment he needed. Dazi was surprised by Jack's gesture. "Thank you, Jack, for doing this for me," Dazi said, kneeling. "Dazi, stand. You are my friend, and this is the least I can do for you," Jack said as he pulled Dazi up.

Dazi was one of the most serious students in the fashion house. He was so committed that on this fateful Friday, his master called him and said, "Dazi, I can see your passion and dedication; from now on, I will take you as my son. All I need you to do is work hard and stay humble." Dazi was encouraged by the words of his master. He was determined to do even better.

It's a beautiful Saturday morning. Dazi's boss calls him "Dazi, I want you to go to Mr. Mark's house and get his measurements and the fabric he wants to sew. "Yes, sir, I will do that," Dazi replies. Dazi gets to Mr. Mark's house, gets the fabric, and takes his measurements. "Sir, I have a design that will be nice for this fabric and will look good on Mr. Mark," Dazi said. "Okay, Dazi, please be careful. You know Mr. Mark is one of our best customers," Dazi's boss, Mr. Peter, said.

"Good morning, sir. Please, sir, here is your cloth," Dazi said. Mr. Mark looks at the dress and is amazed. He quickly tries on the dress and can't stop smiling. "This is lovely; who made it?" Mr. Mark asked. "Sir, I did," Dazi replied. Wow, this is lovely. Mr. Mark picks up his phone and calls Mr. Peter. "Peter, I have received my dress, and I love it. I would love for your boy to make this for my friends. Is it possible?" Mr. Peter answered, "Yes, sir, it's very possible."

Dazi delivered on the contract he was given. Mr. Mark loved the dresses so much and was very happy with Dazi. "Dazi, I want to do something for you. I will open a fashion house for you and equip it. I love young men who are committed and innovative," Mr. Mark said.Dazi was shocked and could not believe it. "Thank you so much, sir," Dazi said with tears in his eyes. He called Mr. Peter and told him what Mr. Mark had said. Mr. Peter informed Dazi that he was aware of it. Dazi was filled with joy.
Dazi told Jack about what had happened to him, and Jack said, "My friend, you deserve all the good things happening to you now."

Dazi then realized that the resolution he made years ago was the best decision he ever made.Dazi called his family and informed them of the latest development. And they were all happy for him. Light has finally come to their family.


Drunkenness is a serious issue. Mazi did not understand what he needed do until it dawned on him that life is not how he saw it.

Thank you for your comment.

Now he has started reaping his past resolutions. It is good to be good. His handiwork has made him hot what he had once prayed for.

Hard work pays. Thank you for stopping by.

It's a good thing Dazi took that decision, now he'll make money and help his family. Hopefully too his father will stop drinking.

Some times we need to wake up and take decisions that may look hard but in the end it will be helpful helpful.

Exactly bro. Have a good day.

Finally, there was light at the end of the tunnel. Good resolution by Dazi as against the one made by his father who took to drinking and was not ready to train his kids in school. Nice story @kinganny

Dazi took the best decision. Thank you for your comment.

Yeah, he did. That's a great story. You are welcome

Your weave an interesting story, @kinganny, if a little unrealistic. Consider how likely it would be that a high school graduate from a local village would have the contacts to secure a position in a fashion house at his age. You also tell us very little about Jack and how he is able to support his friend through his education. The kneeling bit is also a little disconcerting and confusing. We can see that you have tried to structure a story around the prompt; it just needs a little more thought and development to pull the pieces together more realistically, otherwise you risk losing your reader.

Thank you for writing in The Ink Well.

Thank you for your review,it's really helpful.

Dazi was determined to make a difference and he achieved it proudly.He made a life changing resolution and it turned out good.

Thank you for your review, Dazi understood what he needed to do and took the right step

That's true. More ink to your pen.