Mirrors on the wall

in The Ink Well10 months ago

It's a Saturday morning, and the sun is smiling on us. We had just finished our morning chores when Uncle Bob came into the living room and said he had good news. Everyone's eyes were lit with excitement. "We are traveling to see Pa Samuel tomorrow morning," Uncle Bob said.



Well, I was happy about it because I heard a lot about Pa Samuel. But I never met him. He was my grandmother's younger brother. He was over 103 years old at that time. For me, I didn't know what to expect. All I wanted was to go on a trip.

The journey to the village was smooth and interesting. We drove through a farm settlement, and I was captivated by the different crops that were cultivated. It was a beautiful sight to behold. We got to Pa Samuel's compound. It was a strange compound. Right from the gate, there was a mirror hanging on the wall. As we walked into the house, I saw over 800 mirrors. I was afraid. But my uncle Bob was not startled. "Uncle Bob, what are these mirrors?" I asked. With a smile on his face, he turned and said "It's for decoration".

As we sat in the living room waiting for Pa Samuel, I heard a lot of voices, and I wondered where they came from. Immediately, Uncle Bob asked that we all step outside for fresh air.

We were still outside. When Pa Samuel came outside, "You are all welcome, my children," he said. I was shocked because I didn't see when he came into the compound through the gate, and the compound has only one entrance. I thought to myself "Maybe he was sleeping inside".

As we stepped into the living room, Pa Samuel said "Sorry for keeping you people waiting; I was in the maize farm checking on my workers". I was right about him not being around when we arrived. Pa Samuel turned on the light, and the mirrors on the wall had disappeared. I became confused, and I began to wonder if I was overthinking things. I became very uncomfortable. Pa, there were mirrors on the wall when we came earlier?" I asked. Pa Samuel looked at me and smiled "My son, you didn't see a mirror on the wall". I was so sure about what I saw on the wall. No, Pa, I'm sure about what I saw," I replied. Pa Samuel just smiled at me without saying a word.

Pa Samuel had white hair, and his beards were also white. He loved wearing a red gown. I heard a tap on my shoulder, and as I opened my eyes, I saw Pa Samuel standing with a calabash lit with fire. I became afraid and shifted to the other side of the bed. "Follow me; I want to show you something". I followed Pa Samuel to the living room, and I saw the mirrors I had seen earlier in the afternoon. Pa, did the mirrors disappear and appear again? I asked. Yes, my son," he replied.

"Let me show you what the mirror is used for," Pa Samuel said as he blew white powder at the mirrors.

Suddenly, the mirrors started displaying images as if they were television sets. I became afraid, and I felt like there were other people in the living room apart from the two of us. In the mirror, I could see the entrance to the village and also all the different farms. Pa Samuel clicked his fingers, and the mirrors started displaying what had happened during the afternoon. Pa, what is this?" I asked. Pa Samuel said I should sit down because he would tell me a short story. "You know that this village is a farming settlement. Some fifty years ago, we experienced a lot of robbery in this village. Our crops, money, and livestock were being stolen. We did not know the people behind this act. At some point, it became unbearable for the villagers to come together in search of a solution. I was chosen to go and serve the great Voodoo priest of Gagho village and learn from him. After about two years of training, I returned as the protector of our village. I became an expert in the act of monitoring events in our village". "So you see those mirrors; I use them to monitor what happens in the village, and it has helped us to arrest so many thieves over the years," Pa Samuel said.

At that moment, I was no longer afraid of the mirrors. I asked Pa a question: "Do you monitor us? He laughed and said "The day I try, the powers of the mirrors will be no more".

I was shocked at Pa Samuel's revelation, but I was happy about the experience.


So basically mirrors were used as cctv cameras. WOW! this is new for me.

Thank you for your comment, this practice has been in existence for ages