A day at the park

in The Ink Well13 days ago

Ella looked around the park idly, a forgotten Ice cream cone melting away in her hand. The tissue paper was all wet and soggy, but Ella didn't even notice. She was too absorbed as she watched strangers pass by, wondering how they looked so happy and thriving and like they had the rest of their lives figured out.

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Unlike her, of course, lately her life had been one roller coaster of bad events. She let out a sigh and blinked back tears, wondering how many people went through a midlife crisis at her age. She was 27 for goodness’ sake, but she felt like she was over 50 years and the constant crying hadn't helped her either because she was now a shadow of her former stunning put together self.

“Hello ma'am, um, that ice cream seems to be begging for help. It's totally melted and dripping onto your shoes” a male voice said in front of Ella.

She looked down to find out what the stranger had said was true. Ella got up to dump the ice cream in the nearest trash can and then returned to thank the man.

“Thanks for telling me, you could've ignored me like others, but you chose to tell me. Thank you” Ella gushed.

“Well, I noticed you were lost in thought. Mind if I sit next to you?” the man asked.

Ella quickly surveyed him. He had dark hair that was graying at the temples, he looked much older than her, and she didn't find him threatening at all.

“Please make yourself comfortable. Lord knows I could do with the company” Ella replied.

“Thanks, my name is Frank” he said, lightly shaking her hand.

“Well my name is Ella” she replied.

“So Ella, why is a pretty young girl sitting all alone by herself and looking as if she'll burst into tears any minute from now” Frank asked smiling.

“I really look worse than I thought then” Ella replied, covering her face in shame.

Frank laughed and told her that she reminded him of someone. He asked if
Ella would like to talk about what was bothering her, perhaps it would make her feel better.

“Okay, but promise you'll say something if I begin to bore you” Ella told him.

“Ha! Please, I bet you won't bore this old guy” Frank replied, the laugh lines at the corner of his eyes crinkling as he smiled at Ella.

“Okay here goes. 4 weeks ago, I got laid off from my job because my supposed work buddy Daphne stole my idea that I foolishly told her about and then turned the tables around and accused me of being the thief” Ella began.

“No! Didn't your bosses investigate the matter?” Frank asked worriedly.

“Daphne covered her tracks really well, she should have been an actress. She convinced me to send her the finished file so she could go through it. So imagine my shock when I went to pitch my idea to my bosses only to be told someone else had the same idea”.

She had been shocked to discover the ‘someone else’ was Daphne and since the girl had practically planned the whole thing carefully, including deleting the files from Ella's laptop and some other shady antics, Ella had little to defend herself.

“Wow, it must have been really had for you” Frank replied.

“You think?” Ella replied, regaling him with another story of how she'd gone home devastated. Waiting patiently for her partner of 5 years Jerry to return from his business trip and console her in her trying time. Only for him to send her a text a day to his return telling her he was getting married soon.

“You’re not by any chance making this up, are you?” Frank asked, “Because it's beginning to sound like a soap opera”.

“Welcome to Ella's life” she replied, bursting into tears as she remembered how she had excitedly waited for Jerry to return. Apart from Debby, he was her only friend and his friends had become her friends. After the breakup, they had all sided with him, and now she was all alone. Except for her mother, who wasn't very motherly in nature.

So now she was left with a house whose rent she couldn't afford alone, a broken heart and no job. To top it all up, she had discovered earlier today that the girl Jerry wanted to marry was her neighbor Mandy. Ella couldn't bear to stay indoors with depressing thoughts that might potentially lead to her putting someone in the hospital, so she'd decided to come to the park.

“Now I feel bad for you” Frank said, squeezing her hands, as Ella wiped tears from her face with her hands.

“I understand that things haven't gone to plan of late, but then again, this will pass. The universe has a way of making everything work out in the end. Forget Daphne, she may have stolen your proposed idea, but I bet you she'll have difficulties seeing it through because I'm sure you didn't tell her everything” Frank said.

Ella stopped crying and realized he was right. Daphne might have stolen the idea and made it look like hers, but Ella also had some points which she had intended to tell her bosses after she won the pitch that would make the project even better.

“As for Jerry, what is meant to be will be. Would you rather have ended up with him in a marriage that would have eventually led to wasted tears, years, and divorce? Or would you rather everything ended now, and you found the one meant for you?” Frank asked.

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Ella's brain was spinning by this time. Frank was right, Jerry had countless flaws that she had refused to acknowledge. And if she were to be honest with herself, her heart was broken because she'd realized she didn't have any genuine relationships in her life and not because Jerry left. Furthermore, she could always rent out the room that had been meant for their kids to another person to complete the rent!

Also, instead of pining over her old job, she could use the energy to send out her CV and get a better job. Ella began to smile, and her mood became better.

“You know, I think you're right. Thank you for your words” Ella said happily.

“You're a strong woman, so Chin up, conquer your fears and be the best version of yourself” Frank replied standing up and dusting his clothes.

“Are you a therapist or something because you've worked wonders in my life sir” Ella replied.

Frank laughed out loud and said he wished he were.

“You said earlier I reminded you of someone. Who do I remind you of?” Ella asked also getting up.

“My daughter Ivy, but that'll be a story for another day. Who knows, we might meet someday, and I'll tell you all about it” Frank replied.

Ella hugged him goodbye and he turned to leave. She suddenly realized she should have exchanged contact with him in case she needed someone to talk sense into her again. When she turned to call him back, Ella couldn't find him. He seemed to have vanished because a walk around the park didn't produce Mr. Frank either.

“Oh well, I bet I'll meet him again someday soon”. Ella said, heading out of the park.

With a spring to her step, a plan in her mind, a smile on her face and a raised chin, Ella walked home with her ice cream stained shoes.


That's so much for Ella to bear.
Imagine living next door to such scene, I mean, seeing Mandy often. The depression would surely going be at its peak.

Nice write up🙌

@loveth97! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @kingsleyy. (6/20)

She will survive, hopefully. Thanks for reading.

Nice Write up, Ella is an Overcomer, and Frank must really be a nice man

Yes Frank really helped Ella. Thanks for reading.

A story well planned and carried out. In a brilliant way what at one time seemed very dark turned into opportunities to get better and be happier. Thank you for this story and for your interactions with your fellow writers, @loveth97.