Cleanliness - Creative nonfiction In The Well Prompt # 29

in The Ink Welllast year

Since I was a little girl I used to walk around with my hair curled, I liked birthday parties, and who wouldn't? What I enjoyed most about the parties was the piñata, although in other countries they are made of clay, in our country they are made of cardboard, lined with crepe paper, giving it the shape of the object of the party or a box also lined with crepe paper, placing a sign of the same, filled with candy and miniature toys.

At the moment they broke the piñata, I'm talking about the part where each child's eyes were covered with a handkerchief and they gave him a stick to hit the piñata blindly, for me it was amazing, the adrenaline was pumping when I heard all the children and adults say:

"hit it hard, hit it hard, let it break".

When I heard it break, I immediately took off my handkerchief. Seeing the candies and toys flying through the air until they fell on the floor, I would dive into a pool, open my arms so wide until I managed to grab as many toys and candies as I could, put them in a big plastic bag and take them home.

Years went by until I was twelve years old, but I was still passionate about parties. My father, because I was the oldest and the only female of four siblings, always instilled in me the responsibility of learning the art of cooking and cleaning the house, as a child, I was more interested in playing. When my father saw that it was five o'clock in the afternoon and the house was untidy, he would say to me with much love:

"My girl, what happened that you not cleaned our house?".

I quickly ran out to get the broom, so as not to see him angry, and I started sweeping the living room and dining room of our little house. One Saturday we were invited to the party of our neighbor friend Yukency, she was turning five years old, the party was on the occasion of the Chilindrina, it was the character of a girl who had her hair in braids, she belonged to a Mexican children's comedy series called El Chavo del Ocho. I went with my brothers and sisters, I enjoyed the party so much that I brought home a big bag full of candy and toys. As the days went by I shared the candy with my siblings and kept the toys. One afternoon the three of us were watching TV at home, I had the brilliant idea of playing piñata, I took the bag where the toys were, I passed a rope through the handles, the wall that divided the living room from the dining room had a column at the top, from there I guided the bag, I looked for a stick, I called my brothers, we hit the bag until it broke and the toys flew through the air until they reached the ground, my brothers and I jumped into the pool of toys. That's how we played every afternoon, and then I swept the house, on one occasion it occurred to me to make with my hair the braids of the chilindrina, I played so much, that I forgot the time, my father arrived, with a face of disgust, he asked me:
" Little girl , why didn't you clean the house?".

I in my innocence, very excited, ran to hug him, I said:

"Daddy , I was playing piñata, I show you".

I was explaining to him how to maneuver what was supposed to be the piñata, I hung it on the column, I hit it with the stick until it broke, as the toys fell to the ground, further back I threw myself forming a ruckus, my father did not like it, he grabbed me by one of my hair braids, lifted me in the air, with a loud tone of voice, he tells me:

"Let it be the last time you play like that, I want you to clean the house right now, after cleaning it you clean it again".

My heart was beating very fast in my chest, very upset and confused because I didn't understand why after I finished cleaning the house I had to clean it again, however, grabbing the braids of my hair, I took the broom and swept clean the house.

I can tell you that I continued playing piñata with my siblings in the same way, only now I was more aware of the time so that when my father arrived he would find the house clean.

This is a non-fiction story
Use Deepl translator.
The drawing is made by me.


Your father seems like he was a very stern man who had high expectations of the cleaning capabilities of children! That was smart of you to make sure you completed your game in time so you could complete your chores before his arrival. Thank you for sharing your creative nonfiction story in The Ink Well, and for reading and commenting on the work of other community members.

I like that you still played the game you loved so much irrespective of your dad's outburst. One can say that he was trying to ensure that his only daughter learnt how to be a house keeper from a young age.