Beer Parlour Plans

in The Ink Welllast month

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Three friends, Okoro, Emeka, and Chinedu, sat huddled around a small table in a local bar that had already consumed bottles of beer on it, their eyes glued to the flickering television screen showing a heated football match.

"Nice one, boys." Okoro, the fattest one in the group, said, eyes fixed on the football match on the TV screen. “I dey tell una (I'm telling you guys), Manchester United is the best team in the world! Did you just see that? That's football at its peak." Okoro, a die-hard fan of Manchester United, waved his bottle of beer emphatically.

"You dey craze! (You're not okay.) How was that play spectacular? Don't worry, Chelsea will knock Manchester United out today!" Emeka, sporting a Chelsea jersey, with a bottle of beer in his tiny fingers, scoffed.
“More bottles of beer, Mama Ngozi." Chinedu, the only one in the group who didn't even look like he cared about the football match, rather had his tie loosened under his shirt collar and the sleeves folded to arm length.

He yelled for more orders to Mama Ngozi, the owner of the shop, who sat nearby, listening intently to their banter. Her infectious laughter mingled with their loud conversation. She shook her head at intervals in amusement and marvelled at the passion with which her customers argued over their beloved football clubs.

“Guy! That's enough for the day. We've had enough bottles already.” Okoro chipped in immediately, looking concerned and, at the same time, motioning Mama Ngozi with his hands to not get any more beer.

“That's true, bro. You've barely said anything since you came in directly from work today to hang out here with us. Bro na wetin dey sup (what's happening)?”

“So na now Una wan ask me, eh? (So it's now that you guys want to know?”. Chinedu answered angrily, "All this while I've been seated here trying to tell you guys what I'm passing through, but clearly you guys are more interested in the football banter than me." Chinedu added, banging his fist on the table.

“Come on, bro, no vex (we're sorry)." okoro apologised. “Tell us what happened with you.”

There was silence for a while, then Chinedu spoke.

"I lost a patient today," he whispered, his voice choking with emotion and his eyes gradually welling up with tears.

“But it's not something new to you, and you've actually handled it better in the past. Why is today different? '' Emeka, clearly the emotionless one in the group, asked, still sucking on his bottle of beer like a baby against its mother's breast.

“Emeka!” Okoro shouted.

“What?” Emeka answered, looking at Okoro, who gave him a stern look. A warning to shut up.

There was silence for some seconds as all eyes rested on Chinedu, a signal to continue.

"She needed urgent medical attention, but her family couldn't afford the deposit required to start treatment. You guys know the law here na: 'No money, no medical attention.' Guys, believe me, I tried to help this woman; I begged my ogas at the top them (I pleaded with the authorities), but they wouldn't budge." Chinedu continued. “I haven't received my salary for this month; I would have paid for her.”.

Okoro and Emeka exchanged shocked glances, their faces now sombre with understanding. Of course, it wasn't the first time Chinedu had lost a patient, but it was the circumstances that led to the death that bothered them. The noise from the television now felt like a background tune to the story Chinedu was telling them.

"I feel like I failed her," Chinedu continued, his voice trembling. "I became a doctor to save lives, but how can I do that when the system is so unjust? It's not right; it's not fair."

“It's a sad one, bro. Very sad, but what can we do? The government doesn't care,” Okoro said.

As Chinedu wiped away his tears, a determined look crossed his face.

"I can't sit back and watch this happen anymore. No more losing patients because of money,” he declared, his voice filled with conviction.

Emeka nodded solemnly, his gaze filled with determination. "You're right, Chinedu. Even if we can't change the whole system, we can make a difference in our own way. The question now is, How?”

"Let's start an NGO, guys. One that helps people who can't afford medical treatment. I mean, we're capable. We can raise funds, solicit support, and fight for justice.” Okoro chimed in, his voice tinged with resolve.

They all exchanged looks of admiration, nodding in agreement.

"Can I donate my space in the backyard of my beer parlour to your NGO office here? (Can I donate the spare space at the back of my bar as an office for the NGO?). Anything to do to make this community better, count me in.” Mama Ngozi’s voice echoed from the background; apparently, she had been listening intently to their discussion and decided to chime in with her support. “I lost my husband because of a similar situation, and I don't want any woman again to become a widow like me because of the same experience.”

With the encouragement of his friends and Mama Ngozi behind him, Chinedu felt a renewed sense of purpose. Their conversation now shifted from football banter to brainstorming ideas for the NGO. Plans were made, hands were shaken, and hearts were filled with hope for a better future.

A few months later, united in their mission to bring healthcare to those who needed it most, their NGO ‘Healthcare for All Initiative’ was born.

Note: All characters and ideas in this story are from my imagination. All written and edited by me using Quilbot


Oh my, I love the three friends, Okoro, Emeka, and Chinedu for taking matters into their hands by starting an NGO to help those in need. I respect Mama Ngozi for being a part of that initiative as well. Posterity will never forget it.

Yes. They showed that the actually have good hearts. 😊
Thank you for reading

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You do a good job of setting the scene and developing the theme. We are at first drawn to the banter about the match, but at this time you mention Chinedu, who is disengaged. We learn why. He has lost a patient and it is because of an injustice, as he sees it. You pick up this theme and develop it by bringing Mama Ngozi into the story. Now we have an integrated piece as the four people form a plan. You describe that plan and the resolution is believable.

Thank you for sharing this story with us, @marriot5464.