The Broken Pot

in The Ink Well24 days ago

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It was a typical Saturday afternoon at home. Mom was in the kitchen cooking Sunday rice with the girls, Dad was watching TV, and the self-acclaimed twins of the house, I and Emma, my junior brother, had been sent to get some spices Mom forgot to buy in the market, but instead we chose to be mischievous by playing in the backyard.

"Hey, boy! Catch!" I threw a golf ball we had found in one of my mommy's shopping bags to my brother Emma. She claimed to have found it in a cloth she bought recently on one of her visits to the Okrika Okrika market.

Emma tried to catch it, but it bounced off his hands and went straight for the flowerpot Mom loved so much.

"Oh no, Guy! Mom's going to be mad!" I said, feeling guilty about what just happened.

Emma stood there with her mouth agape.

"Guy, what do we do?” I asked with my hands on my head.

"We have to fix it before she finds out!" Emma exclaimed, looking worried.

"Let's go find something to patch it up!" I suggested trying to think of a way out of this mess.

We rushed to the garage, searching for anything that could help us repair the broken pot.

"Look! Dad's got some glue in his car!" I exclaimed, relieved to have found something that might work.

"Nice one! Oya (come), let's hurry before Mom sees!" Emma said, his eyes wide with fear.

We hurried back to the backyard and tried to mend the broken pot with glue, but it only made it look worse.

"Nawa o!” I exclaimed, "Boy, it doesn't look better. It looks even worse!" I exclaimed, feeling frustrated. I turned to look at Emma, who was panting around in fear by this time. “There are empty spaces that need to be filled,” I added.

"Then we need to find something to cover it up!" Emma said, trying to come up with a solution but almost in tears.

“But with what?” I asked.

"Guy, I don't know,” Emma replied.

Clearly, I knew that anytime Emma was in a mood like that, he wouldn't think straight again. So it was left for me to find a solution at that point.

"How about those extra tiles in the garage?" I suggested, hoping they would do the trick.

"Good idea! Let's try it!" Emma agreed, his face brightening with hope.

We carefully glued the tiles onto the broken pot, but our amateur craftsmanship left much to be desired.

"Mom's definitely going to notice this..." I said, giving up and feeling anxious about what she would say.

“Maybe we should just tell her the truth." Emma suggested, and apparently he was giving up too.

"But then we'll be in big trouble!" I protested, remembering the consequences of our actions.

Just as we were debating what to do next, Mom stepped into the backyard.

"What are you two up to here? Where's the spice?" Mom asked, looking suspicious.

Emma and I exchanged nervous but shocked glances. Not only have we broken her flower pot, we've also wasted time trying to fix it and we forgot we were sent to buy spices. We stood there, scared, with guilt written all over our faces. Another fuel to fire

“Where are the spices?”

Emma stood looking at me. I guess that means he was expecting me, as the elderly one, to explain.

“We haven't bought it.”

“What do you mean you have not bought it? So what have you been doing?” Mom asked, her face turning red.

Looking from Emma to Mom, I said, "Um, Mom, we, uh, accidentally broke your flowerpot." I confessed, pointing to the flowerpot.

Mom inspected the makeshift repair job and sighed. She tried saying something, but words weren't coming out of her mouth. Then, she walked back into the house. Right at the door, she turned.

“It's a Sunday, and I don't want to get angry. I'll deal with you two later,” she said with a mean and angry face.

And just as she said, we were deprived of our little allowance to go to school for a week. We tried protesting to dad, but apparently he was in support of his wife's action. According to him, we've been mischievous enough for the past few weeks and needed some punishment.


Hehehe, I love the approach mom took instead of getting angry at the two of you. She obviously would feel so sad with her precious flowerpot broken but seeing how you guys were trying to patch it up made her change her mind.

I recall she laughed about it some weeks later when she remembered how we tried patching it up. 😂

You and Emma really knew how to turn a simple errand into an

The struggle to fix that flowerpot got me 😂

Next time,when you are send on an errand, you guys will do it instead of playing around.

For where? Like Tom and Jerry we're always up to some mischief. Thank you for reading

This is actually charming. Children will get into mischief. Your mother's reaction was admirable. She showed great self control and the punishment was not overly harsh. You tell this story well, @marriot5464. We see the young children frantically trying to fix the flower pot. Their botched effort makes us smile.

Thank you for sharing this memory with us.

When we are children we often do not measure the consequences of our actions, these life lessons teach us and shape us as whole people. Fortunately your mother was not so harsh with the punishment.

Thanks for sharing your experience with us.
Good Wednesday.

Yeah,we were lucky she wasn't harsh with her punishment.
Thank you for reading 😊

Wahala o 🤣😂🤣. That awkward moment even your Messiah is tired of your nonsense 😂🤣