Who's Amaka?

in The Ink Well17 days ago

Photo by Jasmine Carter

"How many times do I need to tell you that I have nothing to do with Amaka?" I said, reaching out for the closet door. I was already running late for work but Uloma, my wife, seems not to be interested in that. She was more concerned about finding out who Amaka was. She had the notion that I was having an illicit affair with Amaka, my assistant.

"Then why does she keep calling you? Why do everyone see you with her all the time" Uloma yelled, still in her night wear and hair bonnet. I could see the veins on her neck as she yelled not minding that it was too early and that the neighbours might hear us.

"Everyone? Who's everyone?" I asked, picking out a shirt from the closet and turning to look her in the face.

"It's none of your business. Or what, you think I don't have friends that care about me to look out for me?"

"Friends? We're what? Just a few months into this marriage and you're already listening to friends?" I paused, short of words at that point. "Come on honey, you can do better"

"I don't know, Chidi. It just seems fishy. I mean they saw you both coming out of a gift shop together smiling” I watched as Uloma crossed her arms, her expression as If she was still finding it hard to believe.

"Uly” I tried calling her by her pet name. “I've told you several times, Amaka is nothing but just my assistant at work. It's natural for people to see us together these days because we're actually working on a huge project at the moment." I explained, with a soft gaze dropping the shirt on the bed and drawing my wife closer to my body.

"I just... I don't like the way she looks at you, Chidi. And those late-night calls..." her gaze softened slightly, but she still looked unconvinced.

"Obim (My heart) I promise you, there's absolutely nothing going on between me and Amaka. You're the only one I said yes to at the altar. So you're the only one I want to spend my life with." I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her into a tight embrace.

We stood there for a few seconds, and I glanced at the bedroom clock, I was running late. I guessed she read my mind because she finally pulled away and said

"Go on, Chidi. You're already late for work."

I nodded, giving her a reassuring smile, Picked up the shirt and threw it over my body. Grabbed my bag and turned to my wife, leaned in and gave her a kiss on her forehead

"I'll call you during my lunch break, okay?" I said.

Uloma nodded.

Few hours later, I was with Amaka at a lingerie shop.

“I love them, they're nice and mature,” Amaka said as we browsed through the collection of lingerie in the shop. We dropped a few into our bag and proceeded to the counter to pay.

I nodded in agreement as I glanced over at Amaka, a smile playing on my lips. "Yeah, they're really nice. I think Uloma will love them."

"Uloma? Wait, Isn't that your wife?" raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah”, I nodded.

“And you never told me. You know all this while I thought you were buying all this for…”

“You?” I interrupted giving a surprised look.

“Eww! No!” Amaka replied, apparently irritated by my remark. I felt stupid at that point.

“Then who?” I asked, curious to know.

“I thought you were actually cheating on her. Like you had a mistress somewhere you were buying all this for and you needed my help. Actually, I felt stupid helping, It felt like I was helping to ruin a fellow woman's marriage while I feared being sacked by you if I refused. Thank God you are not cheating “

“Wow, you see me the same way too” I replied, eyes wide in astonishment.

“What way?”

“Like I'm a cheat?”

There was silence. Amaka didn't reply.

“She's been feeling a bit insecure lately, she thinks I'm cheating on her with you. So, with her birthday in a few days, I thought I'd surprise her with a new car and some gifts. You know, to show her how much I appreciate her." I explained.

"That's really sweet, Sir. I'm sure she'll appreciate the gesture. And please let her know that I'm innocent``. I watched Amaka's eyes soften, and she gave me sympathetic smile

"Yeah, I will. I just hope she realizes how much she means to me." I smiled back, feeling relieved that Amaka understood.

Few day later

“You're back from work, why don't you just come in, why ask me to come outside” I listened to Uloma yell from her end of the phone.

I had come back early with my surprise birthday gifts for her with the help of Amaka. And now, I wanted her outside to see her gift.

As Uloma stepped outside, her eyes widened in surprise at the sight of the shiny new car parked in the driveway with the inscription Happy Birthday.

I guess she was speechless as she stood there mouth agape.

“Happy birthday, my love." I said grinning from ear to ear.

Uloma quickly threw her arms around me, as tears streamed down her cheeks while I held her tight.

"There's more inside," I added, leading her to the car where Amaka, who was standing by the door open, and the other gifts arranged inside.

“Happy birthday ma'am”. Amaka said smiling “And just to be clear, my relationship with your husband is strictly a work relationship “ she whispered.

Uloma smiled then proceeded to unwrap her present.

"I guess this was why you went to the gift shop with her?” She asked, looking at me with softened eyes.

"Yes. I needed a woman's perspective, that's all. I love you and would never try to hurt you" I reassured her.

“I'm so sorry” she apologized, stepping out of the car into my arms.

"It's okay, Uly. We all make mistakes. What matters is that we trust each other." I pulled her into my tight embrace.

From that day on, we lived happily ever after, knowing that nothing could come between us.

N/B: Story written from my imagination.


While there was a certain amount of predictability in Chidi not having an affair with Amaka, it took me by surprise that Amaka herself suspected him of cheating on his wife! This extra layer gave the story a bit more interest and lift. You also made good use of dialogue to drive the story forward. Your piece could, however, have done with an edit to pick up some issues with mixed tenses and punctuation.

Thank you for writing in The Ink Well.