Your womb was my home [ENG][ESP]

in The Ink Welllast month

Life has not been very kind to me, I have gone through many hardships, none individually has brought me down, but several together have.

Imagen in pixabay by alanajordan

That book you have in your hands of my biography, tells you several methods I used to survive the fire in my house, the diagnosis of a serious illness, depression and the illness of my only son, this little 10 year old boy that you can see here sitting next to me.

I thank you all for coming to the launch of my book, this idea of writing it came thanks to my son Diego. When he was going through very difficult moments of his illness, he told me some words that surprised me and marked my life, they are those found on page 5 of the book, I read them verbatim:

"Mom if only I had stayed forever in your womb, in it I felt no pain, I heard your beautiful voice when you spoke to me with so much love, I felt your caresses, I felt your warmth, there the world was not scary and I experienced happiness, your womb was my home, but I know I can no longer go back there, however I am convinced that, whatever happens, there is no better place to be than in my mother's house".

Those words from a 6 year old probably had no logic, but I stopped for a moment to think, as he lay asleep in that hospital bed, he was absolutely right, maybe he didn't remember anything that happened in my womb while he was growing inside me, but he knew that there he was safe, healthy and felt all the love and happiness with which we waited for his birth. For a moment it made me sad, because a child of that age with that thought must be suffering a lot and I felt guilty.

But then I tried to see the meaning of the other words he said "no matter what happens, there is no better place to be than in my mother's house". At that time in our life we had no home, a terrible fire had destroyed it while we were in one of the many comings and goings to the hospital, so Diego was not referring to our home, he was referring to me, I was his safe place, I was his home, where he always wanted to be.

Those words marked my life, I drew strength from the deepest part of my being to fight for my son's health, it was not easy at all, they were hard and dark days, but after fighting for a long time against a diagnosis of uncontrollable type 1 Diabetes, the doctors found a way to keep his values stable, some time later he was already in better health. I didn't want to keep that learning just for myself, people who read my book will have the tools to get ahead in spite of the problems.

As a last recommendation, I tell them that just as my son saw his mother's house as his safe place, we should all look for someone or something to hold on to, that which drives us, motivates us when we are tired, someone who gives us security. That is why I ask the audience:

I already told you what my son's safe place was, but do you know what mine was?

Many people raised their hands and little by little I gave them the floor, one person said it was my mother, another one said it was my faith, others said it was myself, but none of them gave what it really was. So I stood up and with tears in my eyes trying to escape I told them:

"Diego my son, he is my safe place, he is the one I clung to in the most difficult moments of my life and he is still the one that gives me strength to face whatever comes, My son is my home."

Encabezado de correo electrónico 600x200 px - Gráfico de Tumblr - Banner de Tumblr.gif

Publication originally written in Spanish and translated into Spanish by translator Deepl


Tu vientre fue mi hogar

La vida no ha sido muy amable conmigo, he pasado muchas dificultades, ninguna individualmente me ha derrumbado, pero varias juntas si lo han hecho.

Imagen en pixabay por alanajordan

Ese libro que tienen en sus manos de mi biografía, les dice varios métodos que utilicé para sobrevivir al incendio de mi casa, al diagnóstico de una enfermedad grave, a la depresión y a la enfermedad de mi único hijo, este pequeño de 10 años que ustedes pueden ver aquí sentado a mi lado.

Les agradezco a todos por haber venido al lanzamiento de mi libro, esta idea de escribirlo vino gracias a mi hijo Diego. Cuando estaba pasando por momentos muy difíciles de su enfermedad, me dijo unas palabras que me sorprendieron y marcaron mi vida, son las que se encuentran en la página 5 del libro, las leo textualmente:

"Mamá si tan solo me hubiera quedado para siempre en tu vientre, en el no sentía dolor, escuchaba tu hermosa voz cuando me hablabas con tanto amor, sentía tus caricias, sentía tu calor, allí el mundo no daba miedo y experimente la felicidad, tu vientre fue mi hogar, pero se que ya no puedo volver allí, sin embargo estoy convencido de que, pase lo que pase, no hay un mejor lugar para estar que en la casa de mi madre".

Esas palabras de un niño de 6 años probablemente no tenían lógica, pero me detuve por un momento a pensar, mientras él se quedaba dormido en la cama de ese hospital, tenía toda la razón, quizá él no recordaba nada de lo que pasaba en mi vientre mientras crecía dentro de mí, pero él sabía que allí estaba seguro, sano y sentía todo el amor y la felicidad con la que esperábamos su nacimiento. Por un momento me dió tristeza, porque un niño de esa edad con ese pensamiento debe de estar sufriendo mucho y me sentí culpable.

Pero luego traté de ver el significado de las otras palabras que dijo "pase lo que pase, no hay mejor lugar para estar que en la casa de mi madre". En ese momento de nuestra vida no teníamos casa, un terrible incendio había acabado con ella mientras estábamos en una de las tantas idas y venidas al hospital, así que Diego no se estaba refiriendo a nuestra casa, se estaba refiriendo a mí, yo era su lugar seguro, yo era su casa, donde siempre quería estar.

Esas palabras marcaron mi vida, saqué fuerzas desde lo más profundo de mi ser para luchar por la salud de mi hijo, no fue nada fácil, fueron días duros y oscuros, pero después de luchar por largo tiempo contra un diagnóstico de una Diabetes tipo 1 incontrolable, los médicos encontraron la manera de mantener sus valores estables, un tiempo después ya estaba mejor de salud. Ese aprendizaje no quise quedármelo solo para mí, las personas que lean mi libro van a tener herramientas para salir adelante a pesar de los problemas.

Como última recomendación les digo que así como mi hijo vió la casa de su madre como su lugar seguro, todos debemos buscar alguien o algo para aferrarnos, eso que nos impulse, nos motive cuando estamos cansados, alguien que nos de seguridad. Por eso le pregunto al público:

"Ya les dije cual era el lugar seguro de mi hijo, pero ¿saben cuál era el mío?

Muchas personas levantaron la mano y poco a poco les fuí dando la palabra, una persona dijo que era mi madre, otra que era mi fe, otras que era yo misma, pero ninguno dió con lo que en realidad era. Así que me puse de pie y con las lágrimas en los ojos tratando de escaparse les dije:

"Diego mi hijo, es mi lugar seguro, a él me aferré en los momentos más difíciles de mi vida y todavía es él que me da fuerzas para afrontar lo que venga, Mi hijo es mi hogar."

Encabezado de correo electrónico 600x200 px - Gráfico de Tumblr - Banner de Tumblr.gif

Publicación escrita originalmente en español y traducida en traductor Deepl


The bond between mother and child is so strong. I can imagine the protection that one enjoyed while in the womb. Even after birth, I find peace and protection being with my mum. No better place than mother's house.

That bond is very strong and you are right, it is wonderful and the feeling of security is unique. Thank you for your comment

You are welcome.

Your story touches the heart, it is loaded with many feelings and emotions in each paragraph. Mothers are like that, strong, warriors and they sacrifice for their children. I think for most women who are mothers, their children are their home.

Thanks for sharing.
Happy Saturday.

Thank you for your beautiful comment, yes mothers always take care of giving us such pure love that we come to see her as our place of peace.

The comforting warmth of a Mother is second to none. Your story was beautifully written. We can all relate to this great piece of emotional connection that you've created. Nice one✨💯

Thank you, I'm so glad you enjoyed it, yes no matter what happens a mother will always be the most special being to us, it must be because in a moment while the babies are in the womb the heartbeats of both are synchronized as one heart. Thank you for your comment.

A beautiful and creative story, moving and sobering. For a child, there is no safer place than a mother. Greetings and thank you for sharing

I appreciate your description of my story, Mom is definitely a safe place. Thank you for your comment.

You deliver a poignant CNF which is a beautiful read. I would have loved to have seen more dialogue and interaction with your son in this piece but I nevertheless got the feels reading it. It connects. Thank you for supporting other writers and their stories in the community :-)

Thank you for your words, they move me, bringing a character and their story to life is what it's all about, touching the heart and connecting. There is so much to learn from other authors, it feeds the mind and heart. I will take that observation into account, for another time when developing the dialogues.

I liked the narrator's voice in your story. It feels very natural, mature with a bit of melancholy. Very nice.

That book you have in your hands of my biography, tells you several methods I used to survive the fire in my house, the diagnosis of a serious illness, depression and the illness of my only son, this little 10 year old boy that you can see here sitting next to me.

I was probably helped by my experience as a mother and observing how my little one, more than depending on me, also has the capacity to understand what I explain to him and his expressions of security, were part of the inspiration for this narrative. Thank you for such a detailed commentary.

That makes sense. Writing from your own experiences helps with the narrative flow and facilitates various elements of story telling.

The theme in my mother's house made a lot of sense when you pointed out her womb. I didn't even think of that before reading your piece.

I felt the agony of the child, wishing for a safe place away from harm and the love of the mother to her child. Your piece is relatable and it delivers well.

Thank you for your encouraging words, these are precisely the emotions that are experienced when analyzing the story.

I think this bond must be present in mother and son. It helps to share anything to your parents also makes you confidential

Thank you for your comment, and you are right, even a child can become that safe place for parents.