My sister's story

in The Ink Well25 days ago

My baby sister with a voice

"God's Miracle, mummy, and daddy did their work in their place of meeting". Fortunately, you were the fattest egg to click on the embryo and development started. Probably, they didn't know that they were carrying ' the voice of a woman' who will do wonders.

God's Miracle, happens to be 9 years old, a pupil of primary 2. The mystery behind her birth and name came as a miracle, just like how her name is called.

Mummy, told me that she was pregnant with you for 3 years. You were in mummy's womb eating through her blood while mum was bleeding for 3 years with you.

"This is what you grew up to be and heard you said to Mother and she shed tears of joy".

God's Miracle, "Can you recall what you said?"

No, response?

This is what she said to my mother when she woke up in the morning, I believe she might have forgotten the formed words that came out of her mouth. Mummy broke into tears as she heard little God's Miracle uttered. 'Just to confirm the prophecy that came when she was in her mother's womb'.

This is it;
God's Miracle calling her mother,

"Mummy, don't worry, I will build a house for you, I will take you outside the country, I will buy a car for you". Mummy heard her as goosebumps ran through her mother and she put amen to her prayers.

'Today, she has grown to act like what she said'. Helping mummy as much as she could at her tender age. Cooking for herself and fetching water at her age marvels at me at times.

God's Miracle shocked Daddy and Mummy and they understood the reason she was formed in her womb after 10 years of early menopause. She clicked when my mother was undergoing family planning.

God's Miracle broke through as a powerful woman without obstruction. When you see her physically, you will know she is a voice.

She is a prolific writer, singer, and teacher, she is very passionate about teaching her baby sister.

She was unraveled with a melody and surrounded by the angels of the Lord.

Little, God's Miracle, Daddy, Mummy, and your big siblings/seniors as fondly called, cherished you and love.

We can't wait to see the full woman you are becoming and for your visions to be clearly stated as we will support you.

"It's fun as I turned my eyes to see you imitate mummy as she knelt to do her morning devotional. You did the exact thing in the house and went to church and did the same, everyone was astonished as they saw you".

'God's Miracle is stubborn to some extent, and she goes wrong at times, and I as her senior correct and beat her to put her in orderliness'.

As she grows, I will keep on writing her story and I will save this template as a reminder for her to read and to keep her focus on pursuing her goals and dreams to accomplishment.

This is a little God's Miracle story written by me.

So good, God's Miracle parents are alive and she happened to be the second to the last child of the house. We are 6 in number, she is the fifth. In a family, we are 8 in number including Daddy and Mummy.

This is a #nonfiction writing that is real about my little sister.

Thank you #theinkwell team for creating this community for writers to develop their writing skills in fiction and nonfiction stories.

Thank you for reading through my blog.

I love, I care, and I forgive

I remain @peckypeace


@peckypaz, I love this story and the way you tell it. It seems that I am reading an unreal story and not a text taken from life itself. Some beings come into our life to bring magic into it and I think that is what your sister brought to you: magical blessings. Greetings

😂😂😂😂 It is true and she has not brought magical blessings instead she is a blessing. I'm sharing with you what I have seen and heard about her. Thank you for reading.

Thank you for sharing your story in The Ink Well, @beckypeace. We have some tips and guidance for you:

  • When you use quotes, make sure it's clear who is speaking.
  • We recommend you study some of the other stories in the community (in particular the stories showcased in the weekly prompt post) to learn how to structure a story. Just like fictional stories, creative nonfiction stories must have a plot and a story arc. (You can learn more in our article on [creative nonfiction stories[( (We do not accept general essays in The Ink Well.)
  • Please be sure to use the correct tags. These are listed in the rules in each prompt. For creative nonfiction, you should have the #creativenonfiction tag.
  • We require attribution for all images, even if they are your own. Simply make a note under the image or at the end of the page stating that they are your own images.
  • We ask everyone who posts in The Ink Well to read and comment on the work of at least two other community members' stories for each one you publish in the community.

Thank you.

Thank you very much. I will read other articles to know how to structure my stories.

Then the images are by me.

I will try and stay to the demands of the community. Thank you, I appreciate it.

Her name is really working for her, she is a miracle indeed.

She is a Miracle child. Thank you.