Don't stop dancing (Eng/Esp)

in The Ink Well2 months ago


My daughter's passion was dancing from a very young age and still is. She tells me that when she dances, she feels great happiness; her mind forgets everything; she is only focused on the music and the movements of her body that follow her in a harmonic way.

The road she has traveled has been full of great learning. She began as a 12-year-old girl when she entered her first dance academy.

There, she began to learn different dance styles. I took her three times a week at four o'clock in the afternoon to a large house with gardens where the teacher had conditioned the classroom. It had mirrors from top to bottom on all four walls and a small bar to practice contemporary dance. It was large enough for the group of girls between 7 and 14 years old.

After a year at the Academy receiving classes in contemporary, salsa, flamenco, Arabic and urban dance, her taste leaned towards urban.

In this specialty, they had an excellent but very demanding teacher who one day did something that made her aware of her great strength. Upon arriving home, she commented to me.

"Mom! The urban dance teacher told me that I had no ability to dance and that I was born with that, and even if I practiced and reinforced me a lot, I was not going to reach the excellence of other students".

As a mother, I felt that the teacher had made a big mistake in discouraging his student, and I even thought about talking to the Academy's director to make my complaint.

However, I thought better of it and talked to my daughter, and during the conversation I asked her how she had felt at that moment.

"It made me sad and also angry because I try to learn everything he teaches us and if now I don't do it the way he wants me to, I know that with practice I will achieve it".

"Daughter, the most important thing is that you feel happy to learn what you like and enjoy when you dance. Practice and discipline are necessary, but so is your desire—the love you put in everything you do".

She continued to attend her classes, and although the teacher's words were not the right words to motivate her, she turned them into a challenge, a personal challenge to prove to herself that she could reach a higher level in dance.

I accompanied my daughter and the entire dance group to the presentations they attended at the invitation of other academies, and then, with their years of experience and maturity, they performed in competitions and television programs.

My daughter was improving with each class and with the practices at home; she did not stop dancing, until one day the teacher told her.

"I congratulate you; you have improved your level a lot, and you have surprised me. Keep it up and never stop".

That day when I went to pick her up she was beaming with joy and pride.

"Mom, we are going to have a presentation in Caracas; it is an important event where the main dance academies of the country meet. And the teacher included me in the urban dance choreography".

The following months before the presentation were full of many rehearsals and the preparation of the costumes, and in this, the parents collaborated with the Academy.

The day arrived and as it usually happens there was a lot of activity with the previous preparations, costumes, make-up and transportation.

The parents distributed ourselves in different vehicles to arrive on time to the city, which was approximately one hour away.

The place where the event would take place was a large theater, and when we entered, the first rows of seats were already occupied. So we had no choice but to move up the stairs. But we were all the family members together to make a bar for our Academy and especially for our children.

The stage lights were turned on, and the curtains were drawn to start the show. Everyone present applauded with excitement.

After the opening and welcoming remarks, the invited academies were presented. And at the end of each one we could hear the shouts and applause of support from the bars.

And then came the moment we were waiting for, the Academy was called by the presenter. The young dancers with their black and white uniform, entered and took their positions and I could easily distinguish my daughter, the tallest with her long curly hair, located in the center of the stage.

The choreography was a succession of urban rhythms: hip hop, dancehall, breakdance, popping and house.

I was thrilled to see the strength of the movement and the grace and agility of the whole group, but most of all, I was happy for my daughter. I saw her shining like a star on stage, and that energy came from within her.


Versión en Español

No pares de bailar


La pasión de mi hija era desde muy pequeña el baile y todavía lo sigue siendo. Ella me dice que cuando baila siente una gran felicidad, su mente se olvida de todo, solo está concentrada en la música y en los movimientos de su cuerpo que la siguen de manera armónica.

El camino que ha recorrido ha estado lleno de grandes aprendizajes y comenzó siendo una niña de 12 años cuando entró a su primera Academia de danzas.

Allí comenzó a conocer diferentes estilos de danza. Yo la llevaba tres veces a la semana a las cuatro de la tarde a una casa grande con jardines donde la profesora tenía acondicionado el salón de clases. Este tenía espejos de arriba a abajo en las cuatro paredes y una pequeña barra para hacer las prácticas de danza contemporánea. Era lo suficientemente amplio para el grupo de niñas entre 7 y 14 años.

Luego de un año en la Academia recibiendo clases de contemporáneo, salsa, flamenco, danza árabe y urbano, su gusto se inclinó hacia lo urbano.

En esta especialidad tenían un profesor excelente, pero muy exigente, que un día hizo algo que la llevó a ser consciente de su gran fortaleza. Al llegar a la casa, ella me comentó.

–¡Mamá!, el profesor de danza urbana me dijo que yo no tenía habilidad para la danza y que con eso se nacía y aun cuando practicara y me reforzara mucho no iba a alcanzar la excelencia de otras alumnas.

Como madre me pareció que el profesor había cometido una gran falla al desmotivar a su alumna y hasta pensé en hablar con la directora de la Academia para exponerle mi queja.

Sin embargo, lo pensé mejor y hablé con mi hija y durante la conversación le pregunté como se había sentido en ese momento.

–Me dio tristeza y también rabia porque yo trato de aprender todo lo que él nos enseña y si ahora no lo hago como él quiere sé que con la práctica lo lograré.

–Hija, lo más importante es que tú te sientas contenta de aprender lo que te gusta y disfrutes cuando bailas. La práctica y la disciplina son necesarias, pero también tu deseo, el amor que pongas en cada cosa que hagas.

Ella continuo asistiendo a sus clases y aunque las palabras del profesor no fueron las adecuadas para motivarla, las convirtió en un reto, un desafío personal, demostrarse a sí misma que sí podía alcanzar un mayor nivel en el baile.

Yo acompañaba a mi hija y a todo el grupo de baile a las presentaciones a las que asistían por invitaciones de otras academias y luego con los años de experiencia y de madurez se presentaban en competencias y en programas de televisión.

Mi hija fue mejorando con cada clase y con las prácticas en la casa, no paraba de bailar, hasta que un día el profesor le dijo.

Te felicito, has mejorado mucho tu nivel, me has sorprendido. Sigue así y no dejes nunca de hacerlo.

Ese día, cuando fui a buscarla, estaba radiante de alegría y orgullo.

–Mamá vamos a tener una presentación en Caracas, es un evento importante donde se reúnen las principales academias de danza del país. Y el profesor me incluyo en la coreografía de danza urbana.

Los meses siguientes antes de la presentación fueron de muchos ensayos, y de preparación de los vestuarios, y en esto los padres colaborábamos con la Academia.

El día llegó y como generalmente ocurre, había mucha actividad con los preparativos previos, el vestuario, el maquillaje. Y el transporte.

Los padres nos distribuimos en diferentes vehículos para llegar a tiempo a la ciudad que quedaba aproximadamente a una hora de camino.

El lugar donde se realizaría el evento era un teatro grande y cuando entramos ya las primeras filas de asientos estaban ocupadas. Así que no nos quedó otra alternativa que ubicarnos más arriba. Pero estábamos todos los familiares juntos para hacerle barra a nuestra Academia y en especial a nuestros hijos.

Las luces del escenario se encendieron y las cortinas se corrieron para dar inicio al espectáculo. Todos los presentes aplaudimos emocionados.

Después de las palabras de inicio y bienvenida, se fueron presentando las academias invitadas. Y al terminar cada una se escuchaban los gritos y aplausos de apoyo de las barras.

Y llegó el momento que estábamos esperando, la Academia fue llamada por el presentador. Las jóvenes bailarinas, con su uniforme de colores blanco y negro, entraron y se colocaron en su posición y yo pude distinguir fácilmente a mi hija, la de mayor altura con su cabellera larga y rizada, ubicada en el centro del escenario.

La coreografía fue una sucesión de ritmos urbanos: hip hop, dance hall, break dance, popping y house.

Me emocioné viendo la fuerza del movimiento y la gracia y agilidad de todo el grupo, pero sobre todo me sentí feliz por mi hija. La vi brillar como una estrella en el escenario y esa energía provenía de su interior.

Muchas gracias por leer

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What a beautiful story, a clear example of the limitations we have in our minds, if we are sure of what we want, nothing will prevent us from fulfilling our dream, even if the person who does not say it seems to have more experience than us. No one can limit us if our impulse comes from the heart.

Beautiful comment @natty33 , thank you so much.
Greetings and blessings

All these things work in the mind, if you love to cook, then you must find happiness doing it, same thing with dancing too. It's so good she didn't give and she practiced more to improve.
Nice story.

@popurri! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @kingsleyy. (9/20)

Thank you so much

Thank you so much @kingsleyy. I appreciate your comment and I'm glad you liked my story.

You must have been very proud of your daughter's determination and courage, all of the effort she put in to rise above the teacher's comments, and her ultimate achievement in urban dance. Your piece told a story of triumph in adversity but would have shone a lot more if you had showed us how she felt instead of telling us. eg: when you tell us that she said she was sad and angry, I would have loved to have seen more of the emotion involved in her initial disappointment, anger, and sadness, and in your own. So using the 5 senses to show us how you both felt and experienced these emotions. Then instead of being told that she improved and then was selected to dance in Caracas, I would have loved to have seen what methods she employed to improve herself, the sweat and tears and effort expended to achieve her goal. This story could have leapt off the page if it had been developed a little more in these areas.

Thank you for sharing a story from your life with The Ink Well. We look forward to reading you again.

Hi @theinkwell
I read my story after reading your comment and I could tell that I didn't show what my daughter felt, her emotions and all her efforts to get better. I was content to just say it. There is a big difference.

I appreciate your observations that I learn from. Greetings and happy day

You are very welcome. Iron sharpens iron 😊 Wishing you beautiful day too, @popurri

Gracias 🤗

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Hello @hivebuzz
Thank you very much. I will check my badges now and the latest publications
Greetings and happy evening 😘✨

You're welcome @popurri! Have a nice day 😊👍