The best recipe (Eng/Esp)

in The Ink Welllast month


The notices inviting to the Fair of fruits, flowers and vegetables of the town "The Mereyal" had been placed in the most crowded areas: the main market, the school and the central square. However, people came and went in a hurry, escaping from the sun's rays that at midday were falling on the pavement and bodies on the verge of dehydration.

Lisi was one of the few interested in knowing what they were saying and stopped in the square under a chestnut tree whose roots had lifted the sidewalk. The shade offered the necessary coolness to calmly read the paper attached to its trunk. The young woman's gaze ran over what had caught her attention. In large red letters it was written.


Contest for the elaboration of a dessert based on merey


  1. The dish must be original.

  2. It must use fruits of the region, in its preparation.

  3. The preparation must take place at the fair.

  4. A jury will taste and decide the winning dish.

  5. Participants will register in pairs.

  6. Registrations open until Friday, August 2nd.


I'm going to participate, thought Lisi and hurried her pace, immersing herself in the intensity of the light until she reached her house located on the outskirts of town, in an oasis of greenery that contrasted with the aridity of the landscape where the cujies with their twisted branches looked like beings petrified by the wind.

A spring of crystalline water that one day began to gush from the yellow stony soil had worked the miracle. Since then, grandfather Tito had planted tamarind, lemon, lechosa and guava trees, and the wild merey trees that were already growing in the dry land were now the most lush and productive in the region.

Lisi came running, tripping over the ferns that hung in the corridor, entered through the wooden door and crossed the large living room until she reached the kitchen. There, her mother was sitting on a wooden bench, drinking a cup of coffee. A tall woman with dark skin and straight black hair.

" Mom! There's a contest at the fair on Saturday and I want to participate. You have to make a merey dessert". Her words came out running over each other.

"There you go, daughter!, calm down and breathe. I didn't understand what you said".

Lisi sat down on a wooden bench. Her long, slender body of a 16-year-old teenager relaxed as she twirled her reddish-brown hair to the side of her head. Her large, honey-colored eyes stared at her mother as she told her mother.

"You have to help me make the recipe. The merey candy looks fantastic on you. The best I've ever tasted".

"Yes, daughter, I make it with the same recipe that all the women in town use. We have to think about how we can make it original".

"That means you're going to help me," and she ran to hug her.

"Daughter, for God's sake!, you're all wet with sweat. Go take a bath and we'll talk about it later".

Grandpa Tito came into the kitchen looking for a cup of coffee. His face was red, and his hair was red and curly. His granddaughter had inherited his energy, he was never quiet, always looking for something to do.

"What was wrong with Lisi? I watched her run past, she looked like a filly with those long legs".

Sara was serving a cup of coffee and a piece of cake to her father while she spoke in her slow and serene voice, typical of people from the region.

"She's excited about a merey dessert contest at the fair. She wants to participate".

" And why not? We have the best cashew fruits on our land".

"I know, father, and some people envy us for that. Can you imagine if we win the contest?"

"But you can't take away the girl's illusion. I wanted to help the neighbors to look for water in their plots, but I couldn't find any, and from that moment on they stopped being our friends, even though I divert part of the water from the spring to their plot to irrigate the merey trees".

Once it was decided that they were going to participate, Lisi and her mother dedicated themselves to elaborating their recipe. It had to be quick-cooking, so they had to use the fleshy pseudo-fruit and bring the nuts already toasted.

Lisi's father and grandfather brought the best fruits for them to prepare the recipe. There were yellow and red, sweet and astringent.

They made a cake with the flour from the ground nuts, which they filled with a cream prepared with the pseudo fruit cooked with sugar to obtain a syrup. The red and yellow colors shone and when eating it there was first a sensation of dryness, then a bitter and then sour taste that puckered the mouth and, finally, the sweetness that remained in the mouth for a longer time. They called it Manantial Cake of Flavors.

The Fair started early on Saturday and at 4 o'clock in the afternoon the Merey's Dessert contest began.

Lisi and her mom were standing in front of some tables in front of the kitchens, together with 4 other pairs of competitors. They were number five.


Minutes before the start, there was a mix-up with the baskets containing the fruits. Lisi's and her mother's had been switched. And Lisi did not like the smile on the face of her neighbor and former friend, Clarita, her own age, accompanied by her mother. She knew she had provoked him.

"Mom, what are we doing?, they changed the fruits that grandfather give us. Now the recipe will not be the same. We have to complain".

Lisi was about to cry.

"Daughter, we cannot stop, we have to make the recipe with these fruits. People are looking at us, and there are your father and grandfather supporting us."

The organizer of the event, teacher
Miriam, director of the only school in town, a woman accustomed to giving orders, with her voluminous body tucked into a wide yellow flowered dress and with a bow on top of her head, gave the start and end time. An exact time to finish.

The minutes passed and while the participants were concentrating on their work, in other parts of the Fair the people of the town and its surroundings were having fun.

Teacher Miriam's strong voice was heard again. "Time is up!, stop cooking".

Each couple took their dishes to the table where the jury, composed of three women and three men, was seated.

One by one they tasted the different recipes: mazapan of merey, soft and sweet; flamed merey with cocuy liqueur, aromatic and intoxicating; merey nougat with honey, salty and sweet at the same time, merey quesillo-cake two desserts in one and finally the Manantial cake with yellow and red marbled flavors.

The coordinator of the jury, Don Julio, was a very beloved character in the community, a tall and thin man, without a hair on his head and a short and thin beard grayed by the years, he owned the restaurant "Galicia Air", he was an immigrant who came to this land more than 30 years ago, of which he fell in love and made it his second homeland.

We must congratulate all the participants, their recipes were very tasty and well presented. They will all receive a prize because merey is our tree, our main source of income, and we wanted to pay tribute to it. A feast of flavors that has come from your wonderful hands.

The applause and shouts were heard throughout the fair.

But we want to highlight two recipes in particular: the cake-quesillo of merey and the "Spring cake of flavors". I don't know how they did it, but all of us members of the jury experienced a combination of flavors in our mouths that we can still feel. Simply delicious. That's why we decided to give a tie for first place.

Lisi and her mother jumped for joy and hugged their neighbors. The ice had been broken.

Lisi ran to her father and grandfather and told them what had happened to the fruits.

"It's strange that our recipe also turned out perfectly with the neighbor's fruit. Don't you think so, Grandfather?"

"It's not strange, my dear Lisi, remember I told them that the spring also waters those trees. The magic is in the water."

The spring continued flowing water for many years; generation after generation could enjoy the best merey fruits and the town "The Mereyal" became famous for the exquisite dishes that were prepared there and that amazed the visitors.


Los avisos de invitación a la Feria de las frutas, flores y hortalizas del pueblo "El Mereyal" habían sido colocados en las zonas más concurridas: el mercado principal, la escuela y la plaza central. Sin embargo, las personas iban y venían apuradas, escapando de los rayos solares que a la hora del mediodía caían sobre el pavimento y los cuerpos, al límite de la deshidratación.

Lisi fue una de las pocas interesadas en saber qué decían y se detuvo en la plaza bajo un árbol de castaño cuyas raíces habían levantado la acera. La sombra ofrecía la frescura necesaria para leer con calma el papel pegado a su tronco. La mirada de la joven recorrió lo que había llamado su atención. En letras rojas y grandes estaba escrito.


Concurso de elaboración de un postre a base de merey.


  1. El plato debe ser original.
  2. Debe utilizarse frutos de la región, en su preparación.
  3. La elaboración se realizará en la feria.
  4. Un jurado probará y decidirá el plato ganador.
  5. Los participantes se inscribirán en parejas.
  6. Inscripciones abiertas hasta el viernes 02 de agosto.


Voy a participar, pensó Lisi y apuró el paso, sumergiéndose en la intensidad de la luz hasta llegar a su casa ubicada en las afueras del pueblo. Unoasis de verdor que contrastaba con la aridez del paisaje donde los cujes con sus ramas torcidas parecían seres petrificados por el viento.

Un manantial de aguas cristalinas que un día comenzó a brotar del suelo pedregoso y amarillo había hecho el milagro. Desde entonces el abuelo Tito había sembrado árboles de tamarindo, limón, lechosa, guayaba y los mereyes silvestres que ya crecían en la tierra seca, ahora eran los más frondosos y productivos de la región.

Lisi llegó corriendo tropezando con los helechos que colgaban en el corredor, entró por la puerta de madera y atravesó la amplia sala hasta llegar a la cocina. Allí estaba su madre, sentada en un banco de madera, tomando una taza de café. Una mujer alta de piel morena y cabellos negros y lacios.

―¡Mamá! Hay un concurso en la feria del sábado y quiero participar. Hay que preparar un dulce de merey. ―Sus palabras salieron atropellándose unas con otras.

―Ya va hija, cálmate y respira. No entendí lo que me dijiste.

Lisi se sentó en un banco de madera. Su cuerpo largo y esbelto de adolescente de 16 años se relajó mientras se enrollaba el cabello castaño rojizo a un lado de la cabeza. Sus ojos grandes y de color miel miraron fijamente a su madre, mientras le contaba.

―Tienes que ayudarme a elaborar la receta. El dulce de merey te queda fantástico. El mejor que he probado.

―Sí, hija, yo lo preparo con la misma receta que usan todas las mujeres del pueblo. Hay que pensar cómo podemos hacerlo original.

―Eso quiere decir que me vas a ayudar ― y corrió a abrazarla.

―Hija por Dios!, estas toda mojada de sudor. Anda a bañarte y luego hablamos de eso.

El abuelo Tito entró a la cocina buscando una taza de café. Tenía la cara colorada y el cabello rojizo y ensortijado. Su nieta había heredado su energía, nunca estaba tranquilo, siempre buscando algo que hacer.

―¡Qué le pasaba a Lisi! La vi pasar corriendo, parecía una potranca con esas piernas tan largas.

Sara le servía una taza de café y un trozo de torta a su padre mientras hablaba con su voz pausada y serena, típica de las personas de la región.

―Anda emocionada con un concurso de postres de merey en la feria. Ella quiere participar.

― ¿Y por qué no? Tenemos los mejores frutos de merey en nuestras tierras.

―Lo sé, padre, y algunas personas nos envidian por eso. ¿Te imaginas si ganamos el concurso?

―Pero no le puedes quitar la ilusión a la niña. Yo quise ayudar a los vecinos a buscar agua en sus parcelas, pero no encontré y desde ese momento dejaron de ser nuestros amigos, aun cuando desvío parte del agua del manantial hacia su parcela para que se rieguen los árboles de merey.

Una vez decidido que iban a participar, Lisi y su mamá se dedicaron a elaborar su receta. Tenía que ser de rápida cocción, así que había que utilizar el pseudo fruto carnoso y llevar las nueces ya tostadas.

El padre de Lisi y el abuelo trajeron los mejores frutos para que probaran la receta. Había amarillos y rojos, dulces y astringentes.

Hicieron una tarta con la harina de las nueces molidas que rellenaron con una crema preparada con el pseudo fruto cocinado con azúcar hasta obtener un almíbar. Los colores rojo y amarillo brillaban y al comerla primero se tenía una sensación de sequedad, luego un sabor amargo y después ácido que fruncía la boca y, por último, el dulce que permanecía en la boca por más tiempo. La llamaron Tarta Manantial de sabores.

La Feria comenzó el sábado bien temprano y a las 4 de la tarde se dio inicio al concurso del Postre de Merey.

Lisi y su mamá estaban paradas frente a unas mesas delante de las cocinas, junto a otras 4 parejas de competidoras. Eran la numero cinco.


Minutos antes de comenzar, se produjo una confusión con las cestas que contenían los frutos. Los de Lisi y su madre habían sido cambiados. Y a Lisi no le gustaba la sonrisa en la cara de su vecina y antigua amiga, Clarita, de su misma edad, acompañada de su madre. Sabía que ella lo había provocado.

―Mamá, ¿qué hacemos?, nos cambiaron los frutos que nos dio el abuelo. Ahora la receta no va a quedar igual. Tenemos que reclamar.

Lisi estaba a punto de llorar.

― Hija, no podemos detenernos, tenemos que hacer la receta con estos frutos. Las personas nos están mirando y allí están tu padre y tu abuelo apoyándonos. Ten confianza.

La organizadora del evento, la Prof. Míriam, directora de la única escuela del pueblo, una mujer acostumbrada a dar órdenes, con su voluminoso cuerpo metido en un amplio vestido de flores amarillas y peinada, con un moño en lo alto de su cabeza, dio el tiempo de inicio y final. Una hora exacta para culminar.

Los minutos fueron pasando y mientras las participantes estaban concentradas en el trabajo, en otros lugares de la Feria la gente del pueblo y sus alrededores se divertía.

La voz fuerte de la profa Míriam se volvió a escuchar. ―El tiempo ha culminado, dejen de cocinar.

Cada pareja fue llevando sus platos a la mesa donde estaba sentado el jurado compuesto por tres mujeres y tres hombres.

Uno a uno fueron probando las diferentes recetas: mazapanes de merey, suaves y dulces; merey pasado flameado con licor de cocuy, aromático y embriagante; turrón de merey con miel de abejas, salado y dulce a la vez; quesillo-torta de merey, dos postres en uno y por último la tarta "Manantial de sabores" marmoleada de amarillo y rojo.

El coordinador del jurado, Don Julio, era un personaje muy querido en la comunidad, un hombre alto y delgado, sin un cabello en su cabeza y una barba corta y rala encanecida por los años, era dueño del restaurante "Aires de Galicia", era un inmigrante llegado a esta tierra hace más de 30 años, de la cual se enamoró e hizo su segunda patria.

Debemos felicitar a todas las participantes, sus recetas estuvieron muy sabrosas y bien presentadas. Todas van a recibir un premio porque el merey es nuestro árbol, nuestra principal fuente de ingresos y quisimos hacerle este homenaje. Un festín de sabores que ha salido de las manos maravillosas de ustedes.

Los aplausos y gritos se escucharon en toda la feria.

Pero queremos resaltar dos recetas en especial: la "torta-quesillo de merey" y la tarta "Manantial de sabores". No sé cómo lo hicieron, pero todos los miembros del jurado experimentamos una combinación de sabores en la boca que aún podemos sentir. Simplemente delicioso. Por eso decidimos dar un empate al primer lugar.

Lisi y su madre saltaron de alegría y se abrazaron con sus vecinas. El hielo se había roto.

Lisi se acercó corriendo a su padre y a su abuelo y les contó lo que había sucedido con los frutos.

―Es extraño que nuestra receta también quedó perfecta con los frutos de los vecinos. ¿No te parece abuelo?

―No es extraño, mi querida Lisi, acuérdate que les dije que el manantial también riega esos árboles. La magia está en el agua.

El manantial siguió manando agua por muchos años; generación tras generación pudieron disfrutar de los mejores frutos de merey y la población "El Mereyal" se hizo famosa por los platos exquisitos que allí se preparaban y que asombraban a los visitantes.

Muchas gracias por leer


Okay, this was nice. A contest that allowed both families to reunite again is really pleasing to read. I am happy both families won regardless of the fact that the fruits were switched. The magic is in the water indeed. Nice story @popurri.

I appreciate your comment @sabrinah.
The contest allowed friends to reconcile.


I loved how Lisi and her family came together to create their "Spring Cake of Flavors" for the merey dessert contest. It's so sweet that Lisi was excited to join the contest and that her mom and grandpa were so supportive, even when the fruits got switched up. I'm so happy Lisi and her mom made up with their neighbors in the end too.

Thank you very much @iskawrite
I'm glad you read and commented on my story. 🫠🪻

This was a wonderful story, nicely developed, and with a great arc! Your characters are brought to life through your descriptive language and use of dialogue. I love that mother and daughter did not give up!

Thank you for writing in The Ink Well.

Thank you very much @theinkwell.
Glad to read your comment.

Greetings and blessings

A very entertaining story to read. A very attractive food contest that sheds light on the narrative. In the end a tie and everyone was happy with the result.

Thanks for sharing your story with us.
Happy Thursday.

Thank you my friend @rinconpoetico7 for reading

Greetings and blessings