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RE: Saved.

in The Ink Well2 months ago

This is an ambitious narrative, with a complex plot covered in the space of a short story. This could be the plan for a movie, a novel, or a novella. However, within the framework of a short story, it is impossible to do the plot justice. Not until the end do we actually "see" the characters. In the final paragraphs you allow us to see the wife, children, the husband. We are allowed into their home, into their busy morning. All that comes before, the murder, the imprisonment, the saving of a life--it is written as a summary. Each one of these events deserves the same attention you give to the last scene.

You have a knack for imagining an event. You also are able to write about that imagined event in a way that brings it alive. If you had done for the whole plot what you did at the end, this would have been smashing. But then, you wouldn't have had a short story. You might have had a book, or the script for a film.

You did a good job at the very end. Your writing is effective. Thank you for sharing this story about hope with us, @jazclassic.


Oh my world thanks for this, I really would have love that opportunity to turn this into a novel, not just that I have a lot of imagination in this nature that I'm working on as a novel too. Hehe thanks for noticing. Your comments really made my day @theinkwell.

A wonderful day ahead.