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RE: My cycling experience. Which is always a new story twist.Prompt 84

in The Ink Well14 days ago

The picture of your scar is very impressive. This certainly is the sort of memory that stays with one.

Your piece is intrinsically interesting, but there are some issues that if corrected, would make the piece more readable.

For one thing, you introduce 'Dada'. It seems Dada is your grandfather, but we are not certain. Is Dada your father? When you introduce a name into a piece you should identify the person.

Also, you refer to your grandfather's 'abuse and disobedience' and yet you speak about him lovingly. It is hard to reconcile these two images of the man. It is a little confusing.

The story of your childhood experience is interesting, a subject worthy of a story or essay. It would be good if you could address some of the issues mentioned in your future writing for the Inkwell.

Thank you for sharing this experience with us, @mdakash62.


Did you submit your kind comment with the hard one's attention? May your experience always be elevated to the highest place by the creator. And grandfather is my father's father? As I don't have a father, my grandfather is like a father figure to me. Adored me. There are many naughty words in childhood. However, children always disobey their parents or grandparents? He forbade me to ride a bicycle. If any accident is encountered in the following. However, I disobeyed and often went to the field with my bicycle and cycled. But that was my endless addiction. Which I have to learn. Something like that. Respect the comments and all expertise with you. May God always bless you with beautiful days with your family.