The Lineage.

in The Ink Well2 months ago

The wind roared outside as Mia approached the building, a sense of trepidation tightening her chest. She hadn't been in her mother's house in ages, not since the sudden disappearance of her mom, Janet, without a trace.


As she stepped through the front door, the air thickened with memories. Memories of happier times sullied by the shadows of her mother’s sudden and devastating disappearance. The once homey atmosphere now felt stifling.

Mia’s footsteps echoed in the cobweb-filled hallway as she made her way deeper into the house, her heart pounding with each sudden sound; especially the creaks of the floorboards. The sensation of being watched lingered, like eyes unseen were following her every move.

In the sitting room, she found a photograph of herself, smiling without a care in the world, nestled in her late father's embrace. Close to their picture was a photograph of her mother, a haunting reminder of the woman she had lost. Tears built up in Mia’s eyes as she traced her fingers round the photograph, her heart heavy with unanswered questions.

Intent on revealing the truth. Mia made her way to the basement, the one place her mother had always warned her to stay away from. The stairs squeaked as she climbed lower and lower. The darkness becoming more evident as she descended.


Below, Mia found herself surrounded by a labyrinth of forgotten treasures; old coffee makers covered in dust, boxes filled with memories long forgotten. In the midst of the chaos, she found something that captured her attention— an old jotter laying in the corner with a pen resting on top of it.

With trembling hands, Mia picked up the jotter to read from the beginning.Each page described a picture of all the events her mother encountered. She wrote about hearing voices in the night, of sudden flashes of light in her room whenever she took a nap and lots more. Each page painted a picture of her mother's spiral into insanity.

As Mia reached the page which laid open upon her entry into the basement, her heart stopped – A sentence hastily written in her mother's handwriting:

"They're watching, Jenna. Don't trust anyone. Not even me!" How could this be the last thing her mother wrote on such a jotter, Mia pondered.

While still lost in thought, Mia heard the sound of footsteps walking in her direction, sending instant chills down her spine. She turned, her heart pounding in her chest, only to find herself face to face with her mother; only a more haggard version.

Her mother's eyes were empty and devoid of life.

“Mi..Mia? What are you doing here?” Janet asked, her voice frail.

Mia who was still trying to recover from the shock responded


They both stared at each other in silence.

“I'm so sorry Mia. I didn't mean to…”

“But you did mom! You vanished with no trace leaving dad all alone. And you didn't even bother to show up for dad’s funeral.” tears effortlessly flowed down Mia’s cheeks. “ All these years, I thought you were dead.” Mia blurted.

“I didn't want to, Mia, believe me. I was given an ultimatum to either varnish or risk losing you.”

“Who gave you such ultimatum?”

“I cannot say much Mia, all I would advise you to do is leave immediately.”Janet said almost inaudibly.

“What do you mean to leave? I cannot leave you in such a state, at least not without a proper explanation.


"Alright. Generations ago, an elderly woman cast a curse upon all the women in my family due to the actions of your ancestors. This curse decreed that they would never know the happiness of motherhood. Should they persist in their desire to be near their children, tragedy would follow. The good news however is: the curse was foretold to endure for seventy generations, and it concludes with me." Janet took a moment to catch her breath. " You need not worry as this curse shall not affect you."

Mia cried uncontrollably as she looked at her mom, wondering what crime her ancestor must have committed to warrant such a curse.

“Go far away Mia and do not come back. Start your life on a clean slate but always remember that your mother loves you” Janet instructed.

Mia, still in tears, helplessly turned around and walked in the direction she came in from. Although she didn't believe in generational curses, she realised that it was better to trade with caution.

As she stepped out of her mother’s house her pupils dilated courtesy of the sunlight. She headed directly for the car, thinking of how many days her mother had left. Janet already looked devoid of life and it was only a matter of time. Mia wondered how she was going to explain all of this to her kids in the future? It was definitely going to be one interesting story to tell.

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Love 🤍


Love the story and your writing Wongi. The first 3/4 of the story has perfect cadence for me. If it was me writing it, I would have stumbled by hurrying it along but your speed was just right.

Since it is the inkwell I assume you want some feedback too, and in that spirit, I have the following. In one sentence about the reason for the situation, i.e. the curse, you write "your ancestors". That small word 'your' stopped my reading for a second. On reviewing the story again I realized why. I believe you meant to write "our ancestors" there. Otherwise, it feels a bit passive-aggressive, like how parents say "She got that nose from your side of the family" :)

Second point is that the end felt a bit hurried. But not an issue if it was because you had finish the post soon. If you ever turn it into a short story you might want to make that part as deep as the entry.

Finally that last line did not work for me. 'Interesting' is no longer an interesting adjective, especially for such a big reveal. I don't have any suggestions to be honest, but when you turn it into a short story we need to find a more impactful adjective for such a sad surprising situation.

All in all it is a lovely post and as usual you get top marks with me with your innovative mind and great control on language.

Cheers from a fellow #dreemerforlife

You made really amazing observations and I am grateful for that😊.

I believe you meant to write "our ancestors" there

You are right, I made a mistake here and I also missed it while I was proofreading.

Also, I will work on my endings next time to ensure that they are as intriguing as the start. Thank you once again:)


brijwhiz, wongi sent you LUV. 🙂 (2/3) tools | trade | connect | wiki | daily

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I enjoyed the atmosphere in this story, which felt old and gothic. I liked the passage I quoted below. A generational curse would be terrible, but it finished with the mother's generation, so the daughter can continue with her life.

As she stepped through the front door, the air thickened with memories. Memories of happier times sullied by the shadows of her mother’s sudden and devastating disappearance. The once homey atmosphere now felt stifling.

I love creating gothic and thrilling atmospheres most of the time and I'm glad you liked this particular one:)


litguru, wongi sent you LUV. 🙂 (1/3) tools | trade | connect | wiki | daily

Made with LUV by crrdlx.

I wonder what their ancestors did to be cursed for 70 generations. It is a good read and I love how you portray Janet's sacrifice for Mia to be happy in her life going forward and the longing of Mia for her mom. The contrast between the two is that at times we can relate if what we are doing is the thing that our kid wants us to do.


I appreciate your stopping by. Thank you.

Mothers sometimes carry burden that no one knows of. I wonder why she had hidden this secret, but it's a good thing they are safe and the truth is known

That is right. Thank you for stopping by.

I really liked the story, especially the part about the curse and why the mother had to stay away from her children, making them believe that she was dead. Very good narrative.

Thanks for sharing your story.
Good Saturday.

I'm glad you enjoyed the story as I also had fun writing it.

Thank you so much.

I love the narration of this story. You left us in suspense, eagerly waiting for each paragraph to unveil the truth behind the mystery that kept our eyes open.

Great one✨

Thank you much..I'm glad you had fun reading it.

Seventy generations but concluding with Janet.
Sad yet still a moment of Joy.
Mia wouldn't have to suffer the consequences of the curse 😃😂

Lovely writing ✨

You must be killin' it out here!
@seki1 just slapped you with 1.000 PIMP, @wongi.
You earned 1.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 1/1 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

Righttt...a bitter sweet moment.

Personally, if I were Mia, I would be overjoyed 😂

Such a heartbreaking tale. I can't even start to imagine the pain of seeing your mom in that state and being unable to help. This is a beautiful story

It can be very devastating.
Thank you so much for reading diikaan

That is one hell of a curse to be placed on many generations, it is such a great relief that Mai will not have to experience it, even though it would be such a great pain to lose her mother like that.

This is such an enjoyable read, thank you for sharing. From a fellow #dreemrforlife

Thank you so much for reading 😚

Thank you so much for presenting this wonderful ghost story to us. The way the students come out of the mother's house and the light that stretches out in the sunlight makes it so amazing. Thank you so much for sharing this amazing and definitely interesting story with us. Yes friend I am also willing to participate here. Where there is a mother's story, what can be done without participating?