❄️ Strolling the snowy streets of Sofia 🇧🇬 COLD SHOCK THERAPY 🥶

in Ecency Bulgaria4 months ago

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Since I cycled off Nicotine, I've been taking freezing cold showers in the mornings for a hit of adrenalin to start the day. I thought I'd test my cold tolerance (and shock my neighbors) by taking a 5-minute stroll around the block in freezing, snowy weather wearing nothing but gym shorts.
Regular cold shock therapy is a totally underrated mindset hack. A chance to push through your mind's resistance to getting outside your comfort zone. Rationally you know that a little cold isn't going to kill you, but your body is screaming at you to go back to comfort. It's a chance to have a daily victory over irrational fear along with being a consummate biohack with a multitude of longevity-promoting effects. Few things will make you feel as alive as shivering your ass off for a few minutes daily!

Read more 📑 Biohacks for Cold Resistance and Endurance that would impress even Sir Ernest Shackleton!

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I'm not a doctor, medical professional, or trained therapist. I'm a researcher and pragmatic biohacking practitioner exercising free speech to share evidence as I find it. I make no claims. Please practice skepticism and rational critical thinking. You should consult a professional about any serious decisions that you might make about your health. Affiliate links here support Limitless Mindset.

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Jerose, is it? Love this!
Where I live it does not snow, but I definitely get chilly winds from Antarctica make their way to the shores I stroll down.

Recently I've been taking 5 to 15-minute dips in my swimming pool. The water is cooling with the changing season and my goal is to be as brave as you and do cold exposure during my Winter. We are nearly at the middle of Autumn now and the water is 18 degrees.

If you've tested your water temperature in your shower, that's be COOOOOL to know!!

Keep it up and well done!
