Let's Unlocked New Tricks EP2 By Toffer

in SkateHive2 months ago

What's Up Guys!

Hello and welcome to another episode of "Let's Unlocked New Tricks". Today I'm so excited to share this with you I have mixed emotions because I didn't expect to land a new trick in just one day. Four days ago Saturday morning I tried a trick that I had never done or landed before a Frontside Half Cab Noseslide. First I don't have any idea that I can land this trick because I never tried this before I just rolled it out with my skateboard and I just tried it. Yes, of course, I failed a lot of times before I perfectly landed my first ever Frontside Half Cab Noseslide. Thanks to my buddy Chris Lawrence Velasco for filming me until I landed this trick.

On my first try, I just set up my body and foot position first and I calculated the distance between the ledge when everything was good I tried the FS Half Cab Noseslide for the first time. But I failed to land my FS Half Cab Noseslide but the good thing is I almost got it I just fell to my board when my board rolled out.

After the first try I calculated the right distance of my body between the ledge I think it's 10 inches wide and a straight parallel. On my second try I failed to land my FS Half Cab Noseslide again the reason why I failed is because my distance between the ledge was a little bit far.

After the first and second try, I already felt I could land this trick and I don't wanna stop until I perfectly land it. On my third try, I failed to land my FS Half Cab Noseslide again but I know now how to lock my tail into the ledge the problem is I didn't know how to roll away and land this trick.

Finally, for the time I landed my FS Half Cab Noseslide perfectly after so many tries and failures, I've finally landed it. I'm so happy because I never stopped until I perfectly landed it and I don't know how many tries but I landed this trick.

After my first perfect FS Half Cab Noseslide, I tried again and I perfectly landed my FS Half Cab Noseslide with an additional trick of Fakie Frontside Bigspin. Finally, I have a new skateboarding trick and I'm so glad that I can still land a new trick.

I also provided a GIF format to see how I landed my new trick.

P.S.: I've been playing skateboarding since 2005 and started filming and editing in 2011. On the TWS skate video, you'll find a random of tricks and behind skateboarding, we are not pro skaters we just skate for fun and I really love this.


Stay Safe, Skate Safe.

Thanks For Visiting My Article I appreciate Your Precious Time!

Best Regards, @toffer


Real skater Bro 🙌🏾🙌🏾
Tks for inspired us 🙏🏾❤️🛹