When we are at a crossroads, where do we go?

in Cent2 months ago

Source image : www.bpjsketenagakerjaan.go.id

The road is not always straight, sometimes it turns, goes uphill and downhill, and often forks, so we have to choose one. If we know where the branching road leads, of course we can easily choose it. But if we don't know where the forked road ends, then we must carefully determine which direction we should take. Likewise with our lives. We often encounter several choices in life. Starting from choosing friends, choosing a place to study to choosing the type of job that is suitable for us. Everything we choose must of course be done with careful calculations.

In this post I want to share about how to make choices if we are faced with several choices that we ourselves don't know, whether our choices will produce something good or vice versa.

From an article https://www.arryrahmawan.com/5-tips-menentukan-oleh-jiwa/ that I once read, there are several tips that we should do if we are faced with several choices, namely:

  1. Conduct a SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats). Carry out this analysis on each of the available options, because it is impossible for us to do all the options at once. What are the advantages? What are the disadvantages of this option? Are there opportunities and threats? Then a list is made from the SWOT analysis. Compare, and choose the best.

  2. Discuss with parents/relatives.
    Have a discussion with the people closest to you, because it is not uncommon for them to provide direction so that we can make a choice. But when they have given directions, we must also have principles so that we are not controlled by them.

  3. Perform the Istikharah prayer (for Muslims).
    We Muslims, when faced with several choices, can perform the istikharah prayer. If humans are able to provide a solution, then rest assured God will be more powerful in providing a solution to whichever choice is the right one for us to make.

  4. Make a Self-Contract
    Make an agreement with yourself to take it seriously if you have made a choice. Keep going and never go back, let alone run away from the choice we have chosen.

  5. When you have chosen, fight until it is finished.

Thank you to all friends who have stopped by this post. Hopefully this post is useful.