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RE: Bring out the toys!

in Toys on Hive2 months ago (edited)

Here I've seen a whole zoo 😄 and even the animals of my entire life in one shot. Crazy words are superfluous, so.... 🤐

I adored this firefighter truck. 😍

Lots of really cool toys in this post, and your memories. Even sensations, like holding a lizard. You have so much to tell. Sometimes I feel like I run out of words and stories. I haven't lived as much. You have, what joy!


But there are no birds here, which is your speciality cuando madrugas ;)

You lived so many, and so much different things than me, right? I guess you are not bored now and you will never run out of words and stories @nanixxx 😉

¡Madrugué! 😅

Jum, 😉