Art Journal: My Original Composition of Sunset Waterfall Landscape

in Sketchbook2 years ago (edited)

Hello Hiver friends, How are you doing? Welcome to my art journal. Today I painted a sunset waterfall landscape with acrylic. Surely one of the most magical scenery when you see a waterfall sunset.

In this post I will demonstrate on how to paint step by step using acrylic medium.

Materials Needed:
👉 Watercolor Paper or sketching Paper
👉 Pencil and eraser
👉 Ruler
👉 Clean Water
👉 Rag
👉 Paper napkin

Acrylic Paint:
👉 Titanium white
👉 Ultramarine blue
👉 Mars black
👉 Grass green
👉 Lemon yellow
👉 Yellow ochre
👉 Orange
👉 Burnt sienna

👉 Flat Brush /small #10, 10/32 / 8.0mm
👉 Liner Brush #2 / 2/32" / 1.6mm
👉 Round Brush #8 / 5/32" / 4.0mm
👉 Filbert brush
note: Keep all the materials ready before you start painting.

Process:I make basic outline or sketch of my painting. Then, I painted the background with ultramarine blue, orange and yellow, blend them together using a flat brush.

Bright sunset, basically I use white and yellow. To achieve vibrancy, I put some glowing small clouds.

The next step is to paint the distance object like trees and bushes. For this part I use black and white, mixing them together. I used round brush in creating those distance trees.

The trees that are closer should be darker. In painting the leaves of the trees I used grass green and black, basically I used filbert brush.

For the highlights of the leaves, I just mixed white, lemon yellow and some yellow ochre.

For the last step I painted the waterfall, and put some extra detail, like waterlines, water reflection and water ripples effect.

This is the finish piece of waterfall sunset.

That's all for today, I hope you like this post and thank you for stopping by! Happy Painting!😀



Hi @caydenshan! It's awesome to see how out of nowhere, step by step a landscape is appearing. It is really magical.
Thanks for sharing and giving us these teachings

Welcome! Thank you @tiaene

Yay! 🤗
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Reflections, overlapping of trees makes it all nice!

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All I can say is Wow! As always.

Lovely work today @caydenshan friend!

!discovery 25

Thanks a lot @jlinaresp and @discovery-it

Is a pleasure for us value and appreciate your good work @caydenshan friend, greetings on behalf of @discovery-it.

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Bro you tried documenting your arts in timelapse?

Thank you for sharing this post on HIVE!

Your content got selected by our fellow curator priyanarc & you just received a little thank you upvote from us for your great work! Your post will be featured in one of our recurring compilations which are aiming to offer you a stage to widen your audience within the DIY scene of Hive. Next time make sure to post / cross-post your creation within the DIYHub community on HIVE and you will receive a higher upvote ;) Stay creative & HIVE ON!

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Thank you @diyhub

You're welcome. That's a fantastic painting. Keep up the great work.

It's amazing and I loved the combination of the colours.

Woahoo!!! This is so so creative and incredible!!! You are a really talented person, this image looks like one that was photography and not painted 😳😳.

Thanks a lot @hopestylist

You're most welcomed, thanks for sharing your creation with us ❤️

Now, I'm wondering where this beautiful place could be to pay a visit.