Sketchbook 023 - Ghost Rider Inspired Tattoo Concept Doodle & Social Weirdness

in Sketchbooklast month

Greetings and Happy (finally) Friday!

This drawing isn't exactly what I would consider pretty...which is exactly what I was going for! I have wanted more tattoos for a while now, this is a basic concept design for something I might want to get eventually. I like that it is sort of creepy and messed up looking, especially the face, which took ages to get to look both scary while still being sort of cute, but not too much.

For some reason I cannot recall the image I used as reference for this. Honestly, my brain isn't working at full capacity right now. More coffee is needed!

I didn't want to rely too heavily on my references, as I preferred to do something closer to my own style for this, sometimes it is more fun to just doodle and go with it!

On a semi related unrelated note, I am considering making some unofficial 'fanart Fridays' type of posts for the next few weeks...the reason for this is my not so secret little secret....I do A LOT of damn fanart stuff. Mostly due to an experiment that started on my other sell-your-soul social media.

As the post title suggests...this has been another week of social weirdness. 'Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it.' has never made more sense than lately. This week has been full of surprises, many emotions and overall I have learnt quite a few things about quite a few people. Who knew friends could be so unfriendly and almost strangers could be genuinely suppositive at times?

Hah, I feel like I am not making much sense at all. If there is any point to my is that most people can be painfully obvious, (in both good and bad ways) and the unicorn types are confusing as hell.

All in all, I am going to let things play out any which way they want to.

Okay, back to drawing stuff! As the photos show, the process for this wasn't anything special or complicated. Mostly just some relaxing ink work, which is always fun.

As I said earlier, it isn't exactly a beautiful drawing, and I do believe I will need to sit down with a professional tattoo artist to get the most out of the design, but except for some fine tuning, it is very much my style, combines quite a few things I am very enthusiastic about ...and I like it. Simple as that.

Bonus Randomness! - Yesterday, due to the many power outs (vandalism again) the WIFI was gone for most of the day, so I spent some time messing around with this again, it always helps clear my mind. I'm not going to explain because that'll be a full post worth of stuff...but it is pretty positive and good!

Well that's it for today, just a confusing bunch of rambles and drawings! Guess that's just my vibe lately.

Till next time, stay creative and weird.

Credit - All photos are my own
Banner created using Adobe Express





😂😂Haha looks like you're trying to intimidate me in emoji now 😝

Ha! Hardly! Just having a smoke and coffee with a ghost... in emoji. Saw the little caskets and thought they were neat looking. Showing off that my emojis are no longer bugged.

😂😂🦄🏹🏹Haha nice! Was almost thinking you were going to put me in a casket and have a smoke after 😂
Having a smoke with a ghost sounds like fun though. Very chill 😎

😂🏹🚬 Ha the caskets reminded me of the super strong Death Wish coffee that I got recently. So it would be having extra strong espresso with a ghost... if I were to be specific! 😆

By the way the first thing that I thought of when I saw the picture was: That would make a really cool crest on a shield. It even has the right shape for it. 🛡️

Ooh yeah! You're right! Going to have to find a way or reason to make that happen 😁

Amazing work as always! Keep up the good work!


Thank you! 😁


You're welcome!


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zakludick, hellsveiah sent you LUV. 🙂 (1/1) tools | trade | connect | wiki | daily

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hellsveiah, zakludick sent you LUV. 🙂 (3/10) tools | trade | connect | wiki | daily

Made with LUV by crrdlx.

Looks good ! The anorak in me wants to see the other fork coming up from the opposite side of the wheel and wonders how the suspension works, but meh, art is form over function anyway 😁

Also, yes - Fan Art Friday sounds like a fabulous idea !

🤣🤣Haha I'm just going to say it all works with magic and ink. I'll admit, the entire thing needs a lot of work, it is actually quite a small drawing, might rework at some stage, but yeah, definitely not 100% accurate at all 😋
Also glad you like the idea, I've made an embarrassing amount of fan art lately. oops

"Magic and ink" I like that ! I wish I could say it to my bike and make it work, but it seems to work instead on piles of cash and pools of blood.....

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