I Missed Using Pencil and Paper So Bad!

in Sketchbook2 months ago

March 24, 2024

Greetings sketchers and alien artists of Hive!

I have been drawing digitally almost exclusively in the past few months. Even when I sketch, I will directly sketch on my tablet using Medibang Paint.

Today, after uploading my Male Ocean Healer Fan Art , I decided to grab the new sketchbook I bought a few days ago.

I started sketching the Filipino Martial Artists / vigilante that I have been working on.

I have already created several versions of this
character. Almost all of them were done purely using my Huawei Tablet. The latest digital version was this...

This character comes with a story. In fact, he is the main character in graphic novel/ or webcomic project that I have been pondering upon.

Part of my goals for this project is to promote the Filipino Martial Arts and some of the Filipino traditional weapons especially the ones used before the Spanish era.
As you can see, he is not holding a pair of regular or cylindrical arnis sticks... they are hexagonal in shape.

Sketch Version

Another lesser known traditional weapon is the 'bagakay'. The 'bagakay' is a long and slim wooden dart used by ancient Filipinos to hunt birds. In this sketch, the character has a number of bagakay on his forearms and chest.
I will share more ancient Filipino weapons soon once I start posting my work... somewhere.

Thanks for reading.

Post No. 2024-22

Date Posted: March 24, 2024.

All Images used are mine unless otherwise indicated

Check me out on other platforms. link.ee/initiatives

Today, I spent roughly 40 minutes making this sketch using a pencil and paper.


Looks really amazing, if you go with that planned project of yours featuring Filipino Martial Arts and Traditional Weapon, more people will learned about them too. That would be a cool and amazing project