Daily sketch update // Character introduction

in Sketchbook28 days ago

Hello my dear bloggers! Today I'm sharing my daily ketch update as well as introducing a new charcter ! Enjoy :3

Hey, as you probably already read in the tile- today I'm introducing this cute character I just created yesterdya ahahah,, i think she has potential. Although, i just mostly did this sketch since i was trying out a simple artstyle i found around internet- sadly, i forgot the actual creator. For now, ill just give a little description about this drawing lel

The drawing;;


So, summarizing; She's a young adult, ESFP personality, owns a dog, has a sibling, 'is annoying or getting annoyed' works at McDonald's(skill issue) and for some reason pretends to be a latina(???... I don't remember why i added that but im too lazy to add something else... i think its a good introduction.

Apart from that, theres nothing else for me to say. Hopefully its still worthy of your enjoyment!

Take care, and see you on my next post!!! <3
