Posting my daily art day 5! (+ Retsuko fanart)

in Sketchbook2 months ago

Hello my dear bloggers! Today i'm sharing my daily sketches, please enjoy !

To start off, I made this yesterday as a late night scribble in like 5 minutes but its cool so wtv :3

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These two were the ones i drew this morning at my local church, since im adventist, i go to church on saturdays ahaha

This one looked super cute, i even put it under my phone case!

(Proof its under my phone case)


Then the second one, i made this one there too. If you noticed the text, i was supposed to draw my "talents", obviously in spanish lamdhhsjs


Then, the last one for today! This cute aggretsuko fanart i made yesterday. Cute, right? I love how this turned out, maybe drawing haida on my next post(if not, i will probably draw fenekko)

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This is all for today! Sorry if it's a bit rushed, i didnt have much to say today:( Please take care, see you tomorrow!
