Shikabane(Aggretsuko character) simple fanart sketch :) - day 4 of posting my daily drawings

in Sketchbook2 months ago

Hello my dear bloggers! Today I'm sharing this fnart I mad eof a character I like of the series "Aggretsuko"(really reccomend it), please enjoy!!

So, to start off. Today I didn't draw anything at school. Art block :( So, I decided to draw Shikabane as a human(or at least how I think she'd be lol), and well. It turned out quite .. okay? I like the "messy" artstyle i got here, pretty proud.


Sketch(ROUGH sketch)

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Actual sketch(broken spine ver.)

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Fixed sketch!

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Fully painted(and slightly shaded)

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Final product!

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Hopefully this turned out fine for you guys :) thanks for reading- take care and see you tomorrow!
