Trying out a new ballpoint gel pen :)

in Sketchbook20 days ago

Hello my dear bloggers! Today I'm sharing these little sketches I made trying out a new ballpoint pen that I got from a friend today :) Please enjoy.

To start off, id like to say that I got this specific ballpoint pen from my classmate. I think they probably got it from those cheap stores where you get a whole bunch of pens for low price to then resell them, he sold them for around Gs3.000. (which in US dollars would be like 50 cents lol)

Now, with that said, I think its time that I show you what is writes like! Since its like a gel ballpoint pen, it works like old ink. Pretty cool effect when the sketch is dried up!

Here, are the silly skeches. Probably not the best, but a good effort to try and get the best profit out of my(friend's) well invested money!!! Its also worth mentioning, its very soft and easy to write with this, unlike other common pens.


First one coming up, muge! I acidentally messed up the eyes positions so i just went and sribbled all over the fae sine i pretty much felt like it. I liked the result, tbh!


Here, I "Borrowed" my friends OC, i really didnt compketely steal it since i just needed a good hair reference, then i just flowed with the rest of it lol.


Ive been trying to draw a sketch like this for a long time, specifically when the female characters tuck their hair behind their ears in a "cute" or 'seducting" way. Mostly because I find it funny. The only struggle of it its the hand... i hate hands(drawing them, hands are beautiful)


Aaand, laast one! I actually went for a VERY different artstyle than my usual one, but i really enjoy drawing like this!!! Specially the moe artstyle and the 2000s scene artstyle. Theyre super cute!!! I didthis one pretty simple and bland, sine im just trying out the pen anyways lolololo

Hopefully you liked these sketches as much as I did! I really just reviewed this pen for pure fun, since its a knock-off brand i cant really tell if itd help mentioning the name of it. But, ill still give it a 1-10 qualification! And its... 9/10! Pretty good for my own liking, can vary depending on others opinions. (obviosuly...)

This is where today's post ends, I wish you a good start of the week, take care and see you soon!
