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RE: [Tutorial] 5-Steps to impressive illustrations and photos! (w/ Danny 🐦)

in Sketchbook β€’ 9 months ago

Heeey @gatubela, thanks! Sorry, it took me a while to respond! I see you take (very nice) pictures yourself! Tag me if you ever try this technique using the rule of thirds. Centralizing your subject is nice and works (that`s why it's our favorite), but the rule of thirds is great if we want to give it some more of a cinematic look. =) Will try to post more composition tips! πŸ˜‰

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Hi! Thanks @lourencoalart, glad you like my pictures ☺️, I'm an amateur photographer, I just let myself be carried away by what I see and I have never take photos thinking about a composition so that's why I found your post very interesting. I'll try to do a photo shoot with this technique and I will tag you πŸ˜‰ thanks and have a nice weekend πŸ§πŸ’ƒπŸ»