in Sketchbook2 years ago

¡Feliz viernes para todos! ¡¡Ya solo faltan 10 días para finalizar el reto Inktober 2022!! Estoy contenta de haber cumplido más de la mitad del mes dibujando a diario, la mejor forma de aprender y crear el habito de practicar lo que te apasiona. Bueno la palabra de hoy es Cereza.

Happy Friday to everyone, there are only 10 days left to finish the Inktober 2022 challenge!!!! I am happy to have completed more than half of the month drawing daily, the best way to learn and create the habit of practicing what you are passionate about. Well today's word is Cherry.

⭐️DAY 21: CHERRY ⭐️

En un inicio pensé en dibujar un par de cerezas y me pareció muy simple la idea, así que preferí pensar “como me gustaría comerla” La decisión termino en un Cupcake, de base de vainilla, crema de arándanos y la cereza de topping.

At first I thought of drawing a couple of cherries and I found the idea very simple, so I preferred to think "how I would like to eat it" The decision ended up in a Cupcake, vanilla base, blueberry cream and cherry topping.

El boceto me resulto muy sencillo, mi problema al aplicar los colores es procurar no oscurecerlos tanto, ya que no cuento con marcadores de tonos pastel. Siempre inicio con una base clara y poco a poco trato de irle agregando detalles, sombras y mi parte favorita desde siempre ha sido colorear y aprender a mezclar colores.

The sketch was very simple, my problem when applying the colors is to try not to darken them so much, since I don't have pastel markers. I always start with a light base and little by little I try to add details, shadows and my favorite part has always been coloring and learning to mix colors.

Mis protagonistas son las cerezas, así que la mayor parte del enfoque y dedicación están en ellas, estoy satisfecha porque realmente me provoca comerlas. En lo posible procuré que cada sección tuviera los colores y texturas del postre. Ustedes que opinan, algún consejo?

My main characters are cherries, so most of the focus and dedication is on them, I am satisfied because it really makes me want to eat them. As much as possible I tried to make each section have the colors and textures of the dessert. What do you think, any advice?

TIEMPO ESTIMADO: 0:50 Minutes/ 0:50 Minutes
Fuente de Separadores / Separators Source: Hojas - Peresita - Todos los Collages fueron hechos por mi con mi smarthphone / All Collages were made by me with my smarthphone.

Sin mas que agregar, muchas gracias por leer mi post.

Without anything else to add, thank you very much for reading my post.

Que las perezas iluminen su vida - May the laziness brighten your life


Looks yummy 🤤
Would love to have a bite 😁
Nice piece 👍

Hi @praise-arts how are You? I'm very glad that you liked my drawing and that you think it is delicious. You really cheered me up. 😍

Am fine dear friend, I hope you're good too
Yoire always welcome 😊