Here’s some sketches from my book!

in Sketchbooklast year

I find that I enjoy exploring my sense of self. Who I am, who I want to be, and where I want to take my journey to that goal. Trying to be creative is one of my outlets. I have trouble expressing my emotions, so my art tends to be of things or people rather than concepts.

Everyone dabbles in a couple different hobbies. If you’re like me, A LOT of different ones. I don’t know why I’m like this but I get bored and move on to a new one. I then pick up an old hobby at a later date again. It’s a cycle and I have many hobbies that interest me.

Drawing is one of them, I’ve always had the interest. But sadly, never the discipline. So, here’s some of my amateur drawings. I know that it’s not very good and many true artists outshine me by several magnitudes. I just wanted to show off a couple of pieces and my progress in a week or so.

This piece was the first one I drew. Her hair just captured my eye. She was sitting at a desk at my public library.

This gentleman here was another individual at the library. He was watching a crime show and some sports. His jacket and the shadows caught my eye.

This one here, is someone very close to me. Maybe the sketch shows that. Maybe not.

That’s it for these few sketches. I hope everyone has a good day. Maybe I have inspired some of you to pick up a pencil even if you have no experience, like me. I love you all!


Man those great sketches that you made.

Thank you! I appreciate the compliment. I should visit the library again to see if I get more inspiration.

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