BTC Halving and Altcoin Bull Market: Or is it?

in OCD4 months ago

BTC Halving

Well this is a fact. Let us address this:

Bitcoin last halved on May 11, 2020, resulting in a block reward of 6.25 BTC. One of the most pivotal events on Bitcoin's blockchain is a halving, when the reward for mining is cut in half. Since 2020, the network participants validating transactions have been awarded 6.25 bitcoins (BTC) for each block successfully mined. The next halving is expected to occur in early-to-mid 2024, when the block reward will fall to 3.125. Over time, the impact of each halving will diminish as the block reward approaches one satoshi.




Source: Some random dude at Twitter/X

So, the next halving of BTC is 2-3 months away, the exact date is a bit unpredictable, but that's close enough. The first chart above shows what historically happened before and after BTC halving in terms of BTC price. Price of BTC historically rallied after the halving. With each halving cycle, participation (both individuals and institutions) is higher, if nothing else by population growth and obviously more awareness. Although I always remember that "past performance doesn't guarantee future results"; but the argument is favor of the hypothesis of BTC price rally is fairly solid.

The second chart shows the Bitcoin dominance: BTC rallies post halving; and with the new-found crypto riches, people tend to put money into riskier cryptos: read "altcoins" and even "meme-coins" and they begin to rally. So BTC dominance starts to drop within overall crypto.


Have you looked into the meme-coins lately! I must say the alt season is already here. Mind you these tokens have no real utility other than they just exists! Their cumulative marketcap currently is $58B! Go figure! Who am I to say that they are worthless? At any given time, the market is always right!


The halving does indeed seem to really drive new price discovery. Amazing we have come from a 50 BTC block reward many years ago all the way down to 6.25 BTC currently.. and about to half again.

Yes, when I look back, it is amazing how far we have come.

You understand, just like everyone else, I have my regrets of not buying early!

I invested in some "good" meme coins at the lows. It's paying off now it seems. Fortunately, I was always fairly good with memes. 😁

So start taking some small profits

Of course, dada, already on it! 😎

I really like the fractal price prediction there. If that happens, then BTC can reach 100k, which is nuts. I'm betting on the Hive altcoins to rise, even though we've tended to lag a bit compared to others. I'm not active in Social media enough to follow which meme coin is hot right now, and when to get out. But if they tend to do 500x or something like that, I can maybe buy a few that are undervalued.

Undervalued and Memecoin doesn't go together, as they don't have any value or utility. It's just momentum and hype they trade on.

That's what I like to believe, but when people like Elon suddenly push coins like Dogecoins, I wonder if they have any plans of incorporating it into their system.

Yeah the meme-coins seem to be going wild. I saw my Shiba Inu went nuts and started selling on the way up, I'm hoping I can buy my original amount again and put the profits into something else.

The main reason for selling as well is to get into the mindset of selling when I think the goings good, rather than being afraid to and inevitably holding all the way back down.

Selling in the rally is the best thing you can do. Also sell in moderation:)

I learned the hard way that I should sell slowly. I gathered 10 Sol before all of this, and ended up selling the lot at $30 each and watched it go up to $110 each. Pretty frustrating, but we live and learn.

Me too:)

I have done the same mistake on many stocks. Sold early and saw them go up. Held on too long and saw all profits disappear.

But just like you I have learned my lessons as well, now I do everything in moderation.

It's pretty crazy how many there are and how quickly they seem to jump up the ranks. I always seem to buy them after the big boom has happened. I don't usually ever put more than $50 into each one though. I think most of them I hold are down $10 to $20 from where I bought in still.

If it's all play money it's cool.

Yeah, for sure. It's all kind of play money for me. I was wrong though, my PEPE is doing better than I thought.

Interesting topic✨ even though I don't have much knowledge bout crypto I did love reading these info. Thank you for sharing😁

More you read and interact more you learn

The meme coins are doing quite well now and it's definitely not a bad idea looking that way. For me I guess hive is the major crypto in my portfolio and I'm still proud holding it even if that's all I hold until I get ideas on how to go about more Projects 🥰.

You stopped by at my blog, I'm trying to pay the favor in my own little way 🙌😊.

no problem;

your potential rewards got way too high so adjusted a little bit. Thank you.

That's really thoughtful of you 🥰. You're welcome!

Meme coins are the fumes following the BTC oil well eruption.
As everybody is hearing BTC going up, the price is too high to invest, they're looking for smaller coins. ---> Meme Coins.

Pepe although fairly new, is one who really reacted well.
I'm quite happy with how high it's going on my wallet 😃

Don't forget to take some small profits

The BTC halving might cause even higher surge in Bitcoin. Possibly, it could reach 100k. Maybe one should get some $DOGE and $PEPE in one's wallet. Investing in Bitcoin is a bit difficult now because of the high pricing.

Selling is hard. It's the hardest part to get right I feel.

Selling in tranches is good, but the hard part of that for me is deciding on the trigger point for my tranches.

OK, I know you don't go broke taking a profit, and many times with stocks and crypto I have seen gains evaporate on prolonged pullbacks, effectively meaning that I would have been in the same situation ( or better off) if I'd just held my cash as cash , or just bought Apple :-)!

Experience comes with age and practice, but it's still difficult. When you sell part of a winning holding and it continues to rise, you can't help feeling like you made a bad decision, but in fact you didn't. That feeling of turning a gain into a feeling of failure is so counter intuitive.

And that is the essence of the game, you are always fighting against basic human nature, I don't care how experienced you are, unless you are a Vulcan, you can't help feeling emotions. I'm thinking of two emotions in particular, fear and greed 🤣

There's a lot for me to learn about crypto but in 2020 and this year, BTC price pumped up before halving.

I am new here in crypto I am interested in learning, this type of post should help us as I am a new learner. thanks. :)