Why You'll Never Be Satisfied, And Why That's Okay

in OCD21 days ago

Do you remember all the things you wanted as a child? For example, maybe you wanted a Nintendo, a guitar, or a bicycle. And then, as you got older, maybe you wanted your own apartment, your own car, and a girlfriend.

How did you feel when finally saved up enough money to buy that bicycle, or that car? You were probably elated when you first laid your hands on it, knowing that it was finally in your possession. But how long did that feeling last?

A few weeks, a few months, maybe years if you were lucky. What happened? Eventually you got used to your new possession, and unless you were wise enough to appreciate it, you started to take it for granted.



You don't have to feel guilty though, because it's in our human nature to always want what we don't have. It is usually the case that not long after we get what we want, we lose the desire that we once had for it.

I can't help but think that this is all by God's design. I mean, if you think about it, humanity wouldn't progress at all if we were always content with our lives. Things like cars, smartphones and air conditioning would never have been invented.


Interestingly, most animals are satisfied by simply being and surviving. For example, lions are always in a meditative-like state in sub-Saharan Africa, unless they are hunting for food or searching for a mate.

Humanity is a different beast, though. No matter how much stuff we get, we tend to eventually take it all for granted. We always find something to be discontent about. And while that pushes us towards action and progress, it doesn't guarantee us more happiness.


Wise men will tell you that the best way to avoid this discontentment trap is to practice gratitude. After all, we all have something that we're taking for granted in our lives. Two eyes we can see with. Two legs we can walk with. Access to an abundant supply of food. Family and friends.

If we can take a few moments out of the day to remind ourselves of what we appreciate in our lives, we can transcend the suffering that we feel when thinking about all the things that we do not have.


Other wise men argue that the key to ending suffering is to live like a monk. For example, eat only rice offerings from the community, and rid oneself of all material possessions. Simply live off the land, meditate, and transcend all fleshly desires to avoid suffering.

That said, (unfortunately?) we are not Lions living in sub-Saharan Africa. We cannot deny the human existence we are currently experiencing, and the inevitable discontentment that comes with having advanced cognitive abilities.

Considering the circumstances, I think the best course of action we can take is to practice gratitude as much as possible, all the while pushing and pushing ourselves forward, realizing that we're going to suffer through all of it. When we die, we'll have plenty of time to rest, or perhaps reincarnate as a satisfied lion on the African savanna.

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Until next time...


Unsatisfied Man, Generated By Venice AI [1]
Image of Lion in Africa [2]