Sublime Sunday. When Will Corona End? "No Gadget Rule" at Home

in OCD4 years ago (edited)


Happy Sunday, Hive peeps!

Whoah?! Is it Sunday already?! We lost count of the days already because we just stay at home and have not been able to go out for two months now.

There are days when we are just so bored, especially when mommy @arrliinn makes the "no gadget rule". She's really tough, our charms do not work on her.

No Gadget, No problem

We realized we can find different ways to amuse ourselves. Before we know it, the day is over!

We helped mommy plant her mung bean sprouts.

Daddy @kennyroy is growing his vegetable garden and mommy also has some mung bean sprouts to plant on the soil. We asked mommy if we can help her, so she gave us 2 pots where we can plant our sprouts.


Kuya finished the book he was reading.

See, he is so comfy on the hammock daddy made!

Rollerblades Indoors

We still love to practice the rollerblades even if we cannot go at the park.

We just stay inside the house and practice our balance and glides.

Of course, we still have to wear our gears. Safety first!


Homeschool time!

We had writing and reading exercises with mommy, whole Kuya did his lessons online.

We were busy studying when...

We heard noises outside!

The wind was blowing so hard. Was that tornado?!

Did you see that?! The wind was really so strong.

It seemed that daddy's plants would be destroyed by the wind. Good thing, they were strong.

Ooopps! Daddy will come now from work. We need to take a bath and clean up the house, else he will be mad.

Also Little Monster was already getting a little cranky. He needed his afternoon nap.

Hmmm, why do we have to take a nap when we can just play all. Day?!

We need to ask mommy.

How about you, how was your Sunday?

What kept you busy?

For us, we are glad that we are three kids here at home. We sometimes fight, but at least we have constant playmates during this lockdown. Especially when our mommy gives the "no gadget rule".


Lovely, looks like a lot of fun.
Take care kids.x

Thanks po. It was really a lot of fun. Sad we can't stay outdoors for a long time, but a few minutes will do.

That's a very good rule to have
Look at all the fun you had!!
Your Mummy is a very clever lady

Lol yes. They are missing a lot of fun, staring in front of the TV /gadget all the time. I always tell them, we lived for a long time without gadgets and we survived. They should too. haha

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