Dealing with Guillain-Barré Part 2 - A guide to combat lack of energy and apetite.

in OCD8 months ago

Hello fellow ODC and Hiveans

On my last OCD post i talked about how some Guillain-Barré secondary effects lingered with me and made me really slow and unproductive for months.

On that particular time i got some feedback from @nill2021 and @acidyo among some other both on Hive and DMs on other platforms about how they also had similar experiences or someone near them and how debilitating it is.

Today i am sharing a good part of what i been doing to fix the situation and how it impacted some of my habits and general life.

So bear in mind before i expand on this that i am not a doctor, and i dont have medical training, this are observations i made for myself and worked for me based on other peoples books and experiences, having said that let us dive in head first on a plan to change your body and mindsets in case you suffer of lethargy after covid or Guillain-Barré...

The lack energy was my main issue when i started this, it felt like a cancer creeping over me everyday couple hours after i got up,,, So my first action was to admit i have very poor sleeping habits and TRY to change that, i already knew how hard it would be and i personally dont have much success with it but i will talk more about this later.

Sleep and breakfast

The morning time is where i focused my efforts when i started, i woke up everyday at the same time no matter if i slept only a few hours, this is because later on you tend to go down earlier and earlier, for me was the best way to try to have some time tables, i am aware i will hardly ever be able to fix it much better than this because i can only sleep 4 - 6 hours a night or in a row...

Second point i focused on was always thinking "what is the first thing i put inside my body everyday?"
I am a big fan of eggs and bacon, only problem with that is that you tend to consume more salt, so i took out the bacon and got myself an extra egg, no bacon means i almost dont eat any salt in the morning. On top of that i started to have a set of things in my fridge that i use everyday to make a morning juice.


So everyday i start with some protein with the eggs and most my vitamin needs with a juice with all this ingredients, usually 1/8 of a generous sized cabbage, 2 apples, 1 orange, 2 carrots and a piece of ginger, on top of this i also put in around 0.500 mg of ascorbic acid on it. Along with this i started to make soup everyday, with yellow potatoes or some other long chain triglyceride source, meaning i avoided anything with a fast absorption rate. This 2 simple changes made a big difference, i started the day the same way and i also had always the soup done, this minimized the temptation to eat junk, or bread, or cookies or some other bs you dont need to eat, you can have a soup and be done with it plus it is healthy.

Of course like many of you know i am a huge fan of meat, so it was really hard at first but the truth is i avoided it for couple weeks at the start, and then later on i incorporated it, i now eat a cow steak couple times a week.

Activity and exercise

When you are down, the last thing many of us want, is to see people interact or go out. This is the part you need to be gritty, take a nike approach and just do it 😂. I go for a walk everyday in the morning no matter how bad the weather is, and i force myself everyday to go and have a coffee with someone on my phone list after lunch, and in case no1 is available i go alone, being in a misanthropic state in your house will most times be detrimental for you psyche, and this is me, a guy that LOVES to spend time alone, just saying, sometimes you need to counter your nature and state of mind and just be around others even if it is not your favourite thing in the world.

Fasting and guts

Another change i did is i went back to basics on my afternoon meal, i started to make and eat my own yogurts and i replaced other sources of salt with potassium sources, like bananas and other fruits.
I also started to fast couple days or more a month, this made a good impact on my overall health, i read about the good aspects of fasting, i cant do it 100% dry but i was still impressed when after 48 hours without water or food i was peeing so much, i was wondering constantly where the water was coming from...

Supplements and others

I also got myself a couple supplements to make sure i would feel alright, namely collagen, eating less meat means i really missed it, i could feel it in my joints.
I also got extra vitamin D3 and B12, coupled with krill oil, i think those fat oils helped my brain a lot getting out the hole. Several studies find that this fatty acids and oils are in fact a coadjutant to the brain functions.

In conclusion, simple steps to sleep at the same time, even if i could not do it 100%, plus particular attention to proper nutrition can really give you a jolt and help out when you are down. Seeing people even if you don't want to and going out even when you don't feel like it, that time in the sun, those laughs you might hear from others, the smell of trees and fresh air, all took a part on getting out of that bad spot. To many of you out there on this spot... I can only try and give small pointers that worked for me, i will elaborate more on some details like nutrition on another post.

I am open to any comments and feedback, cheers!


Hello thank God you are recovering certainly this disease leaves many sequels, I congratulate you for the attitude you are taking for recovery and feel better, I'm glad you have overcome I wish you continue to improve blessings ✨.