Fundacoven | Urgent help is needed!

in OCD2 years ago (edited)

Hello HIVE community, it has been a long time since we started this project and we have been able to help many people thanks to the support and dedication of different people and the many donors from different platforms.

Today we are writing to you because we need a little help.

The foundation is about to lose its physical headquarters due to the high costs of maintenance and rent that occur in Venezuela, thus being a monthly expense of approximately $110 divided into:

  • $70 monthly rental expenses.
  • $15 water expenses.
  • $5 electricity expenses.
  • $20 internet expenses.

Expenses of which we are currently accumulating a debt of $250 from the previous month and current month. For which we ask for your help.

Some of you may wonder what fundacoven is, and others may remember it from our WPS from previous years (This proposal ended on Jan 3 2022, is just a example of old supports from community)
So we will tell you a little about it and invite you to donate to our foundation by one of the following methods:

HIVE: @fundacoven
TLOS: @fundacoventl

You can also add us to your recurrent transfer list in your wallet.


We bring hope to the communities.

FUNDACOVEN was born as a space in charge of attending specific cases of humanitarian aid to popular sectors of low resources in the Cristóbal Rojas municipality of Miranda state, allowing them to receive help in order to cushion their socioeconomic situation due to the serious humanitarian crisis that the country is going through.

The organization seeks to provide social support spaces where it can provide itinerant attention to the different communities, making use of the support and donations received from civil, commercial, and industrial society, as well as international companies and institutions that wish to join the social work.

Currently, the foundation is responsible for the development of two projects since 2019:

"Droplets of Love".

It functions as a medicine bank in which deliveries are made to people of scarce resources who come to the organization requesting support in the face of the serious economic situation that the country is experiencing. In 2021 FUNDACOVEN attended more than 150 cases of aid, delivering an average of 785 medicines to elderly adults and children.

This project receives donations from civil society allowing it to deliver those medicines in disuse to someone in need, however, the foundation seeks to create ties with the medical and pharmacological sector to grow as a collection center and be able to reach more sectors.
"Charallave is a municipality with more than 150 sectors, it can be said that more than 50% of them are popular sectors. Sometimes we do not have enough to meet the needs of the people who request medicines. Many have come from the local hospital or from integral health centers of the municipality, but our institution does not have the resources that allow us to acquire so many medicines, we only have what private persons donate to us and sometimes we cannot respond to emergency cases". Indicated José Carlos Ocanto Serrano, president of the foundation.

"Meals for Smiles".

This project seeks to create social canteens in charge of providing nutritional support to children in rural and suburban communities to help improve their quality of life, as well as to allow school reinsertion caused by cases of child malnutrition and the inability of their representatives to allow them adequate food. In this way, the foundation carries out social days in which, together with specialists, they make an evaluation to know the weaknesses and strengths of each child and then present these reports to merchants and the industrial sector to ask for help.

"During the 2021 period, the foundation carried out 41 activities that involved the nutritional field. Several of these activities were developed in the community "La Chivera" of Charallave where at least 85% of the inhabitants of the sector have poor nutrition and at least 40% of children in the community are in a state of mild or moderate malnutrition." With information from

In this way, the foundation asks civil society and companies at the national/international level to help national/international level to help conceive an improvement in the quality of life of as many families as possible. a number of families as possible.

"The work of our foundation is framed in resilience. The projects we do seek to create impact, raise awareness and demonstrate that we can make the change that many people need. many people need. There are children who don't even have to eat breakfast, and mothers who prefer to leave their children sleeping and not send them to class because they will go hungry. we have to attack. The children are not to blame and we cannot let their future be extinguished because of a situation that they did not choose". Indicated José Ocanto.

Support is necessary:
The foundation asks the different sectors to communicate and help.

"They can visit our spaces, join the work and I invite merchants to support. If at least half of the merchants would give one medicine, one Bolivar or even one food a month, the change would be bigger, but unfortunately, we don't have the resources and they are very important to reach our goal. important to reach the goal." (2).gif


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Ja di mi pequeñito aporte Dios bendiga su labor, estar 8 horaa sin electricidad es una mierd@

I work there, if you want, look me up privately on discord and we can talk better. 😉