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RE: I don't support people who STILL posts on steem!

in OCDlast year

We each get to decide where our votes should go. I don't even check if people are posting there, but I'm pretty sure most of those I support are not. I am aware of some who cross post to get maximum exposure and if they have something to sell (e.g. music) then I don't really blame them. I think Dtube can post to Steem, Hive and Blurt, but if you are not engaging with comments on Hive then you get less support from me. I'm not aware that those other chains are getting much development whilst Hive has lots going on. Is Sun actually doing anything with Steemit? I expect he's just embarrassed by the whole experience.

I would of course always encourage people to use Hive and will not chase good people away. I know we have a few 'exiles' who don't feel they can post here, but they may have made mistakes and upset people. We can each decide whether to forgive them. Grudges can eat away at you.

Let's just make Hive so good that everyone wants to be here.


We do control our vote. Therefore it is critical on how we do it. I am more concerned about curation programs and wish they are more diligent

Yes, some of them do not check that posts are even legitimate. It's the power/responsibility thing.