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RE: LIL: Images For Let’s Make a Collage Library

That's so kind of you to donate even more of your photos to the #LIL gallery, Jo, and removing the background is a great and nice idea because it will save a lot of work for the Hivers who are going to use your photos 👍😀

!BEER and !WINE - both make a nice dinner with !PIZZA :)


Hi Hannes. Yes, I wanted to donate some photos to the #lil image library. The mushrooms and the caterpillar I photographed yesterday.

I was pleased to see the woolly caterpillar outside yesterday and the orange strip on it was larger than the black band. It’s suppose to be a sign of a mild winter. I was surprised to see the caterpillar this late in the season but I don’t see him this morning. Maybe he started cocooning himself to survive the winter.

Thanks dear Hannes for the generous tip and goodies.🤗

Have a beautiful Tuesday.☀️

Hi Jo,

I like such caterpillars but I see them too seldom, but to be honest, I haven't really searched for them yet, andI agree, October is quite late for a caterpillar - I hope he knows what he does and you are right that in Spring he will be a beautiful butterfly 😉

You're always welcome, dear Jo, you have a wonderful Tuesday too 🌞🤗

!PIZZA and !BEER - sounds like a nice dinner :)

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