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RE: Maybe You Can Go Home Again: My Collage for LMAC #147

I feel some nostalgia in your words, places change just as people do. What seemed so far away when we were kids now seems everyday, and the things we believed in now just seem like old stories. Going back to the old house will never be the same.

I loved your collage and also seeing pictures of your childhood, I imagine they represent many memories for you. 🤗


Thank you so much for that lovely comment. You are very sensitive. Yes, nostalgia and memories. I had to cut one of my sisters out of my first childhood picture because, for her, these memories are painful. She remembers the challenges more than the beauty. I get it, but feel very fortunate to have happy memories of a difficult time.

I know nostalgia might be strong in you at the moment. So many changes in your life. At the bottom, we are all human and all can relate, if we open our hearts, to the experiences of others.

Thank you again for visiting, my friend @mballesteros