Leisure and chaos [EN/PT]

in Let's Make a Collage19 days ago (edited)


This was the first time I tried to create art through collage. I find some of the art I see here on Hive incredible, but it was only after seeing some posts from @justclickindiva that ended up encouraging me to get my hands dirty!

Speaking about the intention behind this art, I tried to portray sensations of contrast. The fusion between leisure and a chaotic world is the essence that emerged within me during my creative thoughts. I address the abstention from worry while the world is being destroyed. Scenarios of wars, plagues, and global warming, while the main portrayal is focused on leisure and consumerism. The act of ignoring the scenario and just "living" is the main viewpoint I would like to convey.

I choose a more vintage pattern for the choice of art and try to portray everyday acts with the subtlety of acidic humor.

The interpretation is free for the other aspects.



Essa foi a primeira vez que tento fazer uma arte através de colagem. Eu acho incrível algumas artes que vejo aqui na Hive, mas foi só depois de ver alguns post da @justclickindiva, que acabou me incentivando, que fui colocar a mão na massa!

Falando sobre a intenção por trás dessa arte, eu tentei retratar sensações de contraste. A fusão entre lazer e um mundo caótico é a essência que se instaurou em mim durante meus pensamentos de criatividade. Eu abordo a abstenção de preocupação enquanto o mundo está sendo destruído. Cenários de guerras, pestes e aquecimento global, enquanto a retratação principal esta voltada para o lazer e o consumismo. O ato de ignorar o cenário e apenas "viver", é o principal ponto de vista que gostaria de transmitir.

Eu escolho um padrão mais vintage para a escolha das artes e tento retratar atos cotidianos com a sutiliza de humor ácido.

A interpretação é livre para os demais aspectos.

As I mentioned before, this was the first time I tried this type of work, so my image bank is almost nonexistent. I turned to the Freepik website for the basis of what was created and some images available on Canva, where the work was done.

I welcome criticism, suggestions, and help for my next projects!

Here's the creation process:

The initial scene for the base of the art. My intention was to have an apocalyptic and destructive essence to start.


Como mencionei antes, esse foi a primeira vez que experimentei esse tipo de trabalho, então meu banco de imagens é quase nulo. Recorri ao site Freepik para a base do que foi criado e algumas imagens disponíveis no Canva, onde o trabalho foi feito.

Aceito críticas, sugestões e ajuda para meus próximos projetos!

Aqui está o processo de criação:

O cenário inicial para a base da arte. Minha intenção foi ter uma essência apocalíptica e de destruição para iniciar.


Implementation of the characters playing volleyball. The vintage furniture used in the image was taken from Canva's image bank, as well as the effect.

Implementação dos personagens jogando vôlei. O móvel foi usado vintage da imagem foi retirado do banco de imagens do Canva, assim como o efeito.

Character 1Source

Character 2 Source

In this part of the creation, the horizon of the base image was removed and a background color was added. I also added mountains to give a background perspective.

Nessa parte da criação, foi retirado o horizonte da imagem base e adicionado uma cor de fundo. Também adicionei montanhas para dar perspectiva de fundo.

Montain Source

With the use of images available on Canva, the clouds, the background tower, and all the pieces that make up the creation of the sun were added. In this part of the creation, no external images were used.

Com a utilização de imagens disponíveis no Canva, foi adicionado as nuvens, a torre de fundo e todas as peças que compões a criação do sol. Nessa parte da criação, nenhuma imagem externa foi usada.

The mannequins, as well as the dog, were introduced in this part of the process. This was an interesting part that added two components to the art that bring different sensations. The mannequins were altered using the effect available on Canva.

O manequins, assim como o cachorro foram introduzidos nessa parte do processo. Essa foi uma parte interessante que agregou dois componentes que trazem para a arte diferentes sensações. Os manequins foram alterados através do efeito disponível no Canva.

Dog Source

Mannequins Source

To finalize the creation, I added a wallpaper to the sky background and the atomic bomb, both taken from Canva, as well as the frame present in the main art of this post.

Para finalizar a criação, adicionei um papel de parede ao fundo do céu e a bomba atômica, ambas retiradas do Canva, assim como a moldura presente na arte principal deste post.

A good portion of the images underwent some modification during the process, either by removing parts or adding filters to fit into the whole.

It was an interesting and enjoyable process, an experience that will probably be lived again when inspiration guides me.

Boa parte das imagens sofreram alguma modificação durante o processo, seja retirando partes ou acrescentando filtros para se adequarem ao todo.

Foi um processo interessante e divertido, uma experiência que provavelmente será vivida novamente quando a inspiração me direcionar.

Thank you for spending some of your time with me, and until next time!

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Hello @michupa. Nice job for your first collage and welcome to the LMAC Community. I appreciate that my collage posts inspired you.

Did you intend for your collage to be an entry to the weekly contest or a freestyle version? Whichever you choose, if you read my posts carefully, I advised my readers to visit the LMAC Community and check out the rules:

"If you'd like to join in, just visit the LMAC Community account here and follow the rules of the contest for details on the latest round."

You can also visit the Commuinity's page here

Please visit both sources so that you can publish correctly in the Community.

Take care.

I noticed there was a contest in the community, but I decided to do a freestyle version, with no intentions of participating. I guess I'm still not good enough haha

As I mentioned in my post, the freestyle is still subject to the rules. Please read the rules as there are requirements for posting in the Community.

Welcome! Being inspired by @justclickindiva is a good place to start. She is an expert collagist (speaks through her work, always) and overall a great artist.

Your collage here is interesting. It doesn't seem to me that you have to be tentative. Your skills are quite good. I personally like a collage that has a decipherable message, although many artists in our community do not create such pieces. Not only does this have a decipherable message, but you decipher it for us. Thank you. (I am an amateur writer and therefore like the verbal aspect of a post).

My favorite part of this piece? The zippered sun. Says a lot.

Once again, welcome.

Thanks for the kind mention. I appreciate it.

Obrigado por promover a comunidade Hive-BR em suas postagens.

Vamos seguir fortalecendo a Hive

Metade das recompensas dessa resposta serão destinadas ao autor do post.

Vote no @perfilbrasil para Testemunha Hive.

Wooooowww you did all this with collage 😳😳😳 this is an epic piece of art and it was your first time using it

Thanks bro! !PIZZA

You're most welcome, you deserve it


$PIZZA slices delivered:
@michupa(1/5) tipped @theringmaster

This is your first time making your art through collage and it turns out to be amazing
I’m glad it looks so good
Nice one!

Thanks :)

It is a nice collage project you have completed and share in the community
The topic looks complex and rich in message to the viewing audience
Thank you for sharing this art piece
All the best for the contest
Good day