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RE: LIL: Airplanes and Assorted Pictures for the LMAC Image Library

Yay, we now have airplanes in the LIL. Once again, you have brought a little more artistic freedom to the users of the library.
The other images are also unique goodies.
A big thank you from me for this great contribution! :-)


Hi @quantumg,
Thanks for stopping by and for your kind assessment. My husband goes with me on these picture-taking forays and is a big help. We went to a local airport specifically to get plane pictures. I lost my gloves--they flew off the top of the car when we were driving (what were they doing on top of the car...don't ask). But we retraced our steps and found the gloves in separate places along the road. Picture taking can be adventurous :))

Today we went to a local park/marina. Got a couple of good pictures, but had to leave because it was soooo cold.

BTW: One of the pictures from a former post is not appearing in LIL.

barge for quantumg.png

I noticed when I was searching for a boat/ship for my last post. If the picture is too small or in some way inadequate, let me know and I will correct it.

Hope you are holding up under the severe COVID restrictions. Here I just stay away from people and wear my mask in public.

Stay well.