Let's Make a Collage Contest - Round 137 | HOW IT ENDS

in Let's Make a Collage2 years ago (edited)


Hello friends, here is my participation in the Let's Make a Collage Contest - Round 137

Recently, I saw a video on Instagram. In which a guy asks an AI-based Text to Image generating program, "How the world will end?" and the images it predicted were unimaginable. Then he asks "The last selfie before the world ends?" and it showed images which were disturbing. A selfie showing a person completely burned and comets hitting Earth. I used those predictions to create this manipulation. I made the moon hit by a comet and lose its balance inside this collage.

Creative Process

This GIF was created from ezgif.com, the easiest way to create GIFs from videos at the highest quality and lowest file size.

For creating this collage I had worked so hard. I wanted to create something special that looks similar to atonik.art manipulation. I really like the colours of his manipulations. So extracted the colour palette from his posts 1 and 2. After getting the idea of colours I applied those colours to my manipulation inside Photoshop.

Colour palette extracted from Coolors.co website

This is what a colour palette looks like. I applied this colour palette to my manipulation for getting a similar look.

I made the moon image that was available inside LMAC Gallery into a 3d looking moon by giving shades and highlights. I changed the colours of the moon by applying the colours from the colour palette extracted.

I changed the look of the boat, which was available inside LMAC Gallery, by removing the text on it and applying a selection and manually painting on top of it. The process is shown in the above image.

The sky is a blend of three milky way images, that were available inside Pixabay. I also added a layer as a clipping mask and made it red and applied it to the first and the second milky way image.

The shooting star was made by myself. I draw a triangle shaped straight line. I applied motion blur to the right side and using an eraser I made a curve at the edge.

If you have any other doubts about the creative process, plz leave a comment.

Source to all the images used inside this collage

All images used inside this collage are taken from websites that are whitelisted by the LMAC Community and my own images.


Contributed to the
#LIL by @mynatasha.

Contributed to the
#LIL by @hernleon74.

Contributed to the
#LIL by @donroberts.

Contributed to the
#LIL by @sachingeorge.

Contributors of these images to the LiL are added as 2% beneficiaries of this post, excluding me.


Nebula, Galaxy, Milky Way and Rock

Images that I took

Image taken by myself using my Redmi K20 Pro

Template Image Provided for Round 137

Image taken by shaka

If you like to participate in the Let's Make a Collage Contest - Round 137, then here is the announcement link:



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