Easy run - 11km (let it snow! 🌨)

in EXHAUST6 months ago

dannewton just finished a 11.78km run, that lasted for 82 minutes.
This run helped dannewton burn 918.0 calories.

Description from Strava: Well, although I often run on a Sunday, I don't usually post about it. I try to limit my running posts on Hive to a maximum of 3 per week as I don't want to spam the group

it also takes considerable time/effort to write an interesting post each time as well

Today is an exception, as we woke up this morning to snow!

I flippin' love snow*. We don't get it here in the UK very often (usually just a couple of times each year), so when it does appear I try to get out and enjoy it if I can.

*er by which I mean to say: I love 'fresh' snow. 2 days later when its turned to slush, or frozen into a lethal ice rink, it's not quite as enjoyable!!


We were forecast rai and sleet this morning, so to wake up to to snow was a wonderful and unexpected surprise. I immediately got changed into running kit, as I wanted to head out and make the most of the crisp, fresh snow before it either melted or turned to ice.

I quickly realised this was finally an opportunity to try out my new trail shoes

I'd bought a pair of New Balance Summit Unknown V4's back in April, and then promptly got injured, so they've sat in a box ever since!



The most important part of the trail shoe is of course the grip on the bottom of the shoe, and these chunky lugs (which are for finding grip in muddy conditions) would be perfect in the snow and ice

So with the suitable trail shoes, along with the suitable clothing (running tights, jacket, hat and gloves) I headed outside...


looks like we managed to get about 2 inches of snow

The run today was the same as I have been doing for the last few Sundays, which is a slow easy recovery run after the Long Run on the Saturday. I usually do 2 loops of the village, and the focus of the run is to take it easy and get the legs moving after the harder effort of the previous day.


It turns out that running in the snow is quite hard work!

Obviously due to the conditions underfoot were so variable, I had to watch where I was running. I quickly learned that the easiest parts were either running in fresh snow (that hadn't been walked on) or running in the tyre tracks which had been left by the cars on the road.

When I ran on parts of the path that had been previosly walked on, the conditions were very uneven, with sections that had been compacted down interspersed with areas that were fresh snow.

It might seem slightly odd, but those uneven footpaths felt vey similar to running on sand, with the ankles working hard to react to the changing, uneven ground.


However, the whole point of the run this morning was just to get out and get moving, and above all to enjoy it. So although I ran most of it, I frequently stopped to walk awkward sections, or to admire the views, or take pictures

er, I did take lots of pictures!!





After 2 loops at a much slower pace than normal, I eventually arrived back home, with a mostly easy run completed, and a massive grin on my face. Not just for the snow (which was great fun) but also as I finally managed to take my trail shoes out for their maiden run

Super impressed with them by the way, they fit well, they were very comfortable, and they gave plenty of grip in the various conditions. Whether it was soft snow, compacted hard snow, or some potentialy slippery slush, I felt safe and confident in my footing all the way round.

Now to go for a shower and warm up. Checking the weather it looks like it was a good idea to get out and enjoy the snow first thing this morning, as with the rain later today and on Monday, all of this will soon melt away.

And thats a good thing, as I'll be heading out for another run after work on Monday evening, so would be happy to see it all gone so I can completed the run ice/slush free!


If you would like to check out this activity on strava you can see it here:

About the Athlete: Living in the UK, I am an intermittent Runner, but always striving for more consistency. When I'm not training I can be found photographing insects or listening to really loud angry music (which is the best type of music obviously!)


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Wow running in the fresh snow looks cool. I have never got to try it. How wet did your feet get?

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I owe my taylor a lot of money.
But he's agreed to cut me some slacks.

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It was really good fun, something completely different, although I did get odd looks from several people !LOL My ankles were a little sore afterwards after the uneven terrain, but other than that it was awesome :-)

My shoes were a little damp afterward, but no worse than going for a run in the rain.

You'll have to try a little run when you return to that ski resort ;-)


What do you call a corrupted IPhone?
A bad apple.

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@new.things, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of dannewton

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Hey @new.things, here is a little bit of BEER from @dannewton for you. Enjoy it!

If you like BEER and want to support us please consider voting @louis.witness on HIVE and on HIVE Engine.

That's proper snow. No sign of any here yet, but it was above freezing today anyway. I don't mind snow as long as I don't need to get anyway. As you say it can be okay for running whilst it's crisp.


I love it when it's fresh and crisp... I just hope it goes away quickly as its annoying when it lingers (and becomes quite dangerous too when it half melts, and then freezes solid).

Fortunately this batch appears to have disappeared almost overnight! I've been for a little run this evening and other than the remains of snowmen, all other traces of the snow has gone


Hey @steevc, here is a little bit of BEER from @dannewton for you. Enjoy it!

We love your support by voting @detlev.witness on HIVE .

Manually curated by ewkaw from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

I wonder how crazily cold it will be over there
The snow has filled everywhere
Do you people pack them to make everywhere neat again or what?

Our weather in the UK is pretty variable!

Some people quickly start clearing paths etc... I generally don't bother, as most the time it melts away within a couple of days

Keep going, you're smashing your training at the moment and getting stronger every day.
To see the full Weekly Leader Board, click here.

This Weeks Leader Board(Top 5):

  1. @taushifahamed - 9437.3 Calories Burned
  2. @akb01 - 8896.0 Calories Burned
  3. @dannewton - 5762.0 Calories Burned
  4. @matisport - 3590.0 Calories Burned
  5. @svanbo - 3441.0 Calories Burned

Sorry to see that your shows are broken. The snow is so heavy that all these things are happening


$PIZZA slices delivered:
@steevc(2/10) tipped @dannewton