Weekend Long Run - 27km (first proper LR in a while, felt good!)

in EXHAUST2 months ago

dannewton just finished a 27.06km run, that lasted for 181 minutes.
This run helped dannewton burn 2093.0 calories.

Description from Strava: First time writing a post in ages... mostly down to lack of time, and making sure I prioritize what's important, in in this case it meant getting back to basics...

i.e. Eat, Sleep, Work, Repeat

I have managed to get back into a more 'normal' running routine... and now back up to running 4/5 times a week at a more consistent mileage


The graph above shows the dip at the end of March and beginning of April, and those 5 weeks of reduced training have had an appaling effect on my fitness levels.

Nothing I can do about whats happened, apart from looking to the future and getting back to the grind.


As part of 'back to normal', I went out today with plans for a nice long run. The route was going to be a little different today, as I was planning to meet a friend in a nearby village to walk and talk (and visit the bakery there).

I decided to plan a route that would enable me to cover the required distance (I was aiming to run approx. 25km today), but would hopefully time it so I could finish it in the village just about at the time that her bus was scheduled to arrive


A quick 5 minutes on Strava to measure out a route, and I was set. It gave me an estimated finish time of 2 hours 50 minutes, so I resolved to set off at 10:10am this morning. Fingers crossed I would end up in the right place by the time her bus would arrive at 13:15

(I gave myself a little buffer in case I was running slower than expected)


I set off on time and headed out on the first part of the run, which was down via some back roads (farmers tracks like the one above) towards the village of Branston

It is technically a private road, so no cars or motorbikes are allowed, but they do allow walkers cyclists and horse riders (and presumably runners too!)

The weather was forecast to be bright and sunny (if on the chilly side) but there was rain expected to move in later. It was quite warm in the sunshine, so I ended up taking my jacket off and placing it in my running vest


After 30 minutes of easy running on the back roads, I arrived in the quiet (ish) village of Branston. By this point the sun had already disappeared, and it was beginning to cloud over. It still felt quite warm though as I quickly passed through the village



...and before I knew it, I was approaching the bypass.

I often run alongside here (both left and right), but today I was going to cut straight across it and head towards the City of Lincoln


The clouds behind me were looking increasingly ominous!


For now however, the weather stayed dry, and I sauntered down Canwick Hill.

Apologies for for the shaky image, I guess I was sauntering rather quicker than I meant too!


I turned left to admire South Common, which as the name suggests is on the southern edge of the city. Its a place where many people leave their horses to graze, although you'll have to take my word for it here as they all seemed to have disappeared!


Looping round the edge of the Common, I eventually linked up with Cross O'Cliff Hill, and started to make my way back in to Bracebridge Heath... where I promptly found rain!


It appeared to be a very local, thundery shower, and seemed to be just over the village. It took me about 10 minutes to run through the village, and I was soaked through.

Was very local though, as when I left on the road towards Waddington, I left the rain behind. Very peculiar!

Even though the clouds still looked full of rain no more actually fell during the run, and with the warmth and the fresh breeze, I dried out fairly quickly.


Throughout the run I was texting my friend, and updating each other on where we were. She had headed into town to do some shopping, and at this point she was just waiting for the bus to turn up so she could meet me in Navenby

I meandered through Waddington and Harmston... and then Coleby...


Checking my watch, I was comfortably on time, and in fact I was actually going to arrive about 15 minutes earlier than planned, and then my friend text me to advise that her bus was running 5 minutes late


So when I arrived in Navenby I had about 20 minutes to spare before she turned up.

20 minutes was too long to stand around and wait. I was dressed correctly for the temperatures while running, but shorts and a tshirt wouldn't be suitable sat down and not moving

I hastily decided to check a map, and saw there was a small loop around Navenby which kill some time:


And it was perfectly timed, as no sooner than I completed the loop and arrived back at the bus stop, than her bus turned up.


We then spent a pleasant 40 minutes walking and talking, and generally catching up. I popped in the Co-op to pick some things for lunch, and she headed into the bakery to pick up supplies.

I was beginning to cool down quite quickly so put my jacket back on (I knew I'd need it at some point today)! We then caught the bus back home to Bracebridge Heath, and I was able to have my lunch and a quick shower too.


It was a different way of executing a long run, but it was nice to meet up and spend some time with my friend, and I managed to tick off the long run for the weekend at the same time too!

As mentioned at the start, I've lost some training momentum recently but I'm startig to get back into it again. I've have cut back on the mileage in the past 5 weeks, and that means I'm now behind my yearly distance target. I'm not too concerned with this at the minute, and I have plenty of time to claw that back over the remaining 8 months

some number crunching: 120km/8 =15km, 15/4 weeks = roughly 3.75km extra added each week on top of my current 68km target

Thats easily doable, especially if I start making inroads into it now

Anyway, enough of that for now. I'm now gonna sit and have a well earned rest this afternoon/evening. Tomorrow, will be a nice easy recovery run of 8km, which will put me over my target for the week. And then the rest of Sunday I will be cleaning the bathroom, and getting my stuff ready for work on Monday

Hopefully I can begin posting a little more regularly now (but no promises lol!)

If you would like to check out this activity on strava you can see it here:

About the Athlete: Living in the UK, I am an intermittent Runner, but always striving for more consistency. When I'm not training I can be found photographing insects or listening to really loud angry music (which is the best type of music obviously!)



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A great little adventure and workout! I have often thought of catching the local bus into town then trying to run home but I don't seem to have enough spare time and just stick to my regular loops and out and backs.

Hey Brad, it was something a little different today, and its certainly easy to get stuck in a routine of doing the same routes over and over

I did a similar one a couple of months ago, but for that one I ran 10km, walked around for 45 minutes, and then ran 10km home again. The second half was hard work due to the big break in between, todays run worked much better :-)


new.things, dannewton sent you LUV. 🙂 (1/5) tools | trade | connect | wiki | daily

Made with LUV by crrdlx.

I'm glad I know sign language
It's pretty handy.

Credit: reddit
@new.things, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of dannewton


Hey @dannewton, here is a little bit of BEER from @new.things for you. Enjoy it!

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@dannewton! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ new.things. (3/10)

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What I usually love most about your run is the area. It is always conducive and suitable to run and I’m glad you enjoyed it
Keep it up!

Thank you!


Hey, we missed you. Good to know you are back to running. That's a nice little outing that has more purpose than just the exercise. I ought to arrange to meet friends on my outings. The weather has turned crap again, so I'll have to see how it looks tomorrow.


I have missed posting, but the break was actually quite welcome in the end.

I like these longer weekend runs to be more than 'just a run'... helps to keep me distracted from exercise and instead focus on popping into town to pick something up, or in this case make s social call

er yes, Sunday looks to be washout here too, I'll try a little recovery run, but may well give it a miss if its too wet


Hey @steevc, here is a little bit of BEER from @dannewton for you. Enjoy it!

Did you know that <a href='https://dcity.io/cityyou can use BEER at dCity game to buy cards to rule the world.

Manually curated by ackhoo from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!


$PIZZA slices delivered:
@new.things(3/15) tipped @dannewton

Whenever there is a beautiful weather like this, the clouds are in the sky, the view is very wonderful and a lot of walking is also very enjoyable during this season.