Saturday Long Run - (running, then cake, then even more running!)

in EXHAUST3 months ago


So it is Saturday Long Run time... but todays effort was slightly different to the usual one as it was split in 3 sections.

I had planned to head out do do a loop around Lincoln for somewhere around 25-30km... but the day had other plans. I ended up visiting my Dad first thing this morning, to help him sort out some stuff, and then my bothered joined us as well, so we got a little distracted talking and catching up.

I got back home around 11:30, and was lacking motivation. I was in danger of drifting and loosing the whole day (and then ending up annoyed as I hadn't done the scheduled run...

Fortunately a chance message from a friend rescued me:

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She lives in the same village where I live, and after enquiring what I was up to (and me explaining I was sulking) she suggested that she was gonna catch the bus to Navenby to pick up some cakes from the bakery there... and that we could meet there if I wanted

a quick calculation later, I worked out that I would have about an hour to get there

Thats was doable, Navenby is roughly 10km away, and at an easy pace I could get there in a hour.

I agreed that I should be able to get there about the same time that her bus would arrive, and I quickly got changed and headed out for the run.


It was a gorgeous day out there today... warm and bright and sunny. I debated wearing a Jacket, or even a long sleeve base layer, and decided to just have a t-shirt (and shorts lol). It was the correct choice, and within 20 minutes of setting off I was warmed up and comfortable.


Not just that, but within 20 minutes I had also left my miserable sulky emotions at home, and was definitely feeling happier now I was finally outside and moving

I was moving a little quicker that perhaps I should've. A long run such as this should be a casual easy effort, but as I was mindful of the time to make sure I arrived in Navenby in time to see my friend, I was pushing a little harder than I had meant too


With one eye on the watch, I carried along the route and sure enough I arrived in Navenby at approx 13:17pm.

you can see that average pace below... at 5:43min/km I had indeed pushed the pace a little too quick.


And that was slightly annoying, as although I was actually running late, the bus that my friend was on running even later... I shouldn't be surprised at all though as public transport suck. I was sat around nearly 10 minutes before her bus eventually turned up!



But it did eventually make it, and after I mocked her for using the bus, when I had managed to get here quicker under my own power,* we walked futher into the village.

*She did counter that argument saying that she was buying lots items and it would be impossible to carry them all whil running home... and I grudgingly accepted that... but I'd still prefer running (or at least walking) compared to using the bus, cos buses suck!

First stop was off course the bakery, she was there to pick up an order she had made earlier that morning (a loaf of bread, plus some sausage rolls, and some other snacky bits). And while I was there I spied some tasty looking cakes, and decided it would be rude to leave without buying something...


So I bought 2 of these Cherry Bakewells, to have later today.


I also bought a slice of Millionaires Shortbread... which I quickly scoffed as soon as I had left the shop

I totally deserved a treat by the way, as award for getting off my fat ass and out into the sunshine

We then went for a short walk around the village while we waited for a bus to go the other way and take her home. Naveny is a very pretty little village, and is a VERY desirable place to live (and hence is very expensive to live round here).



We walked and talked, and I took some pictures along the way, such as these Daffodils in bloom, along with the little church seen below



Eventually, her bus turned up and my friend headed back home.

It was now time for me to complete my run. It had taken almost 10km to get to Navenby, so it would take me a further 10km to get home again. I did want to run a little further than that, so first I decided to head further South, and run through Wellingore and into Welbourne



Right at the end of this long, straight road is the village of Welbourne. It is about 3km away, and once I reached it I then turned round and headed back home for an eventual total distance of 26km


While it was really nice to meet my friend, and go for a pleasant stroll in the sunshine, this arrangement was actually quite difficult.

Running for an hour, then stopping (sitting and walking) for 30 minutes, and then trying to run for a further 1 hour and 30 minutes was hard work.

I definitely began to seize up in that middle segment!

It would have been easier if I had run the whole distace in one go instead of splitting it in two. Perhaps if we did this again, I would begin the run earlier, and choose a route that finished in Navenby, so I could then walk and talk and then get the bus home lol.

Nevermind... even though I was feeling more tired than usual for this distance, it was still an enjoyable run, and the beautiful Spring weather certainly helped!

and then one I got home I had 2 of those super tasty Cherry Bakewells to scoff... they had been slightly smooshed while in my backpack (I blame the heat for that) but they were still super tasty!

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All Photos taken by @dannewton unless otherwise stated.
Check out my website for more of my work.

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Powerful long run to engaged in. Hope you were actually able to achieve that which you want to achieve for the day

Public buses may disappoint you sometimes especially when it gets to the point of you running late
Anyway, I’m glad you still had to run

That was really a massive run for the day and this is quite evident to actually see that

Running for cake seems a great idea. I do love caramel shortbread. You will have burnt off the calories. Saturday was nice for running, but Sunday was just wet all day. I got a bit damp yesterday.


Hey @dannewton, here is a little bit of BEER from @steevc for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Whenever you want to eat such high-calorie foods, it is clear that a person should run first so that he does not become a fat person.

If there are no clouds, it is sunny, so he walks a lot

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