Marriage Dilemma

in HiveGhana28 days ago

Gone are the days when marriage was a thing of Joy for men, many men don't want to get married anymore and that is because of things they witness happening to their gender.


Some Ladies have seen marriage as a means to reap where they did not sow, a lady will get married to you only to divorce a few months or years later and claim half the property that does not belong to her nor did she work for. This often happens in white countries and this is why some white men don't want to get married as they can't trust a woman, they are now paranoid as they can't differentiate between someone who loves them and who is pretending to love them, such things are minimal in Africa but that does not mean Africa does not have their own problem that comes with marriage too.

Here in Africa, we have ladies who are still obsessed with their ex getting married to another man, only to cheat on the innocent man and the worst of it is giving him a bastard to take care of, and this could be forever because some fathers never knew they were not the biological father of their children till death took them while some are fortunate to find out even though a lot of years could have passed and a lot of money has been spent on the bastard...

It is never the fault of the bastard, he/she didn't have a choice nor should be responsible for the bad deed of the mother, we have men who do not mind and will still continue to take care of the child as their own, blood alone doesn't prove the family bond.

People do not want to be committed anymore, during our mothers and grandmother's time, they were willing to sacrifice themselves and their happiness to make things work and they often stayed with their husbands through thick and thin unlike now if you don't have money, it will be very hard to see someone to date you talkless of getting married to you.


To the rich ones, I pray you continue to be rich so you won't see the other side of love from that woman who claims to love you, most of my country's women start misbehaving and no longer respect their husbands once they can't provide for them anymore, which means the relationship was not built on love but on what one of them can offer. It is when you run into a financial crisis you will see the rubbish you are dating or getting married to.

I won't generalize this though, we still have good women out there, who respect their husbands amidst any financial problem they must be having, women who take pride in their homes and would never do things that would hurt their husbands.

One thing is certain, Most people don't get married for love anymore, it all deals with what you can bring to the table and I do not blame them, love alone can't make it work but responsibilities should not be on the men's alone and since it is that way, women should learn to appreciate them not nag and complain they ain't bringing enough, if it is easy to go and do it yourself...

The burden and responsibilities are what makes some men scared of marriage because they know what they are going into.

For the brave ones that get married, may God continue to enrich their pocket, it will never run dry.

Just call me Burl.

I am a professional gamer, motivational speaker and a crypto enthusiast

Discord: burlarj#8326
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Telegram: burlarj
God exists, I am a living testimony
Giving up is not an option, every hustler has a payday
Don't wish for it, Make it happen

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


It seems ridiculous to me to hear that someone needs to give half of the property at the time of divorce. Why I will give my half property for nothing?
In a time of financial crisis, various kinds of pressure can trigger many things, and quarrels are very natural but I haven't seen anyone leave their husband for it. I have seen most of the time wife remains the strength of the husband. I don't know about your country's situation but in my country, it's still happening in most cases.

I think the Indians are blessed in many ways when it comes to relationships, some wives stand with their husbands during bad times but only few still respect him

You’re right
At the same time, when you men see a woman who’s cool and calm, you tend to take her for granted. I’ve seen so many cases like this. It’s better to cherish your partner because there is nothing outside…
I pray my brothers don’t fall in the hands of such women

yea it is vice versa, we have the good ladies not being treated right too

It can be really crazy to think about this aspect of marriage in the modern age where everything seems transactional and when things are not working, you jump ship or break the boat. I think people are less patient nowadays and so short sighted.

people dont want to suffer anymore but they are not putting in the effort too, the women just want a ready made man that will take care of them.

Gradually, we’re learning from the whites. Just some days ago, there’s this celebrity couple that have been bringing the issues on social media and from where the thing is going, it looks like the woman wants the man’s mansion. I’m not surprised though, that marriage happened so fast and they were even barely friends

that is the trend now, women getting married for selfish purpose , there will come a time, men wont do marriage anymore, just come live in, give me a baby and if you decide to quit some day, bye, no divorce, just exit the same way you enter my life

Yeah it’s already happening now.