Journeying Through Life: The Importance of Order and Levels

in HiveGhana28 days ago (edited)

Although there are no easy things in life, but life do seem a little more bearable when you learn about how things work. It all comes down to realising how important levels and order are. Consider this: you cannot simply decide to go and show up at the airport without first making a getting a visa or booking for your flight. In a similar vein, you cannot prepare a dish without the necessary ingredients. These instances all highlight an important idea about how life works. Every part of our lives is infused with the concepts of order and levels that we all need to go through.

Let's first consider order. Things have a natural order to them, a built-in framework that facilitates a more seamless existence. Just like when you follow a recipe. You will need to go by the order to be able to prepare a nice meal. When you fail to follow the order or skip the right steps, a mess could result. The next crucial thing, we need to understand is "levels" . The same is true about life goals. You can't just desire a successful career life without developing the required abilities, experiences, and creating the right networks. . Skipping steps usually leads to frustration and failures. It's like climbing a ladder which involves a series of steps to go through before reaching the top.

You can't jump from the bottom rung of a ladder to the top without climbing each step in between. This is the reality, but in our fast-paced world, it's easy for most people to forget this and only look for shortcuts. Lots of people admire successful people and want to be where they are instantly. They forget one thing: that is, realizing the years of effort and incremental progress that got them there. This applies to personal growth too. Think about learning a new skill, like playing the piano. You don't gain mastery when you start and you don't also begin with complex songs but basic cords. Each level builds on the previous one and that's how you begin to learn and gain mastery. Trying to play a difficult piece before mastering the basics is not just frustrating; it’s counterproductive.

I realised that we need patience and humility to be able to embrace order and levels. Without these key ingredients, we will always miss progress while heading to our final destination of success. Each step and stage has something valuable to teach us for the next phase. When we understand this, we will not rush through life, but appreciate each level and follow the order towards achieving our set goals. Life isn't easy as some people may make it seem, whoever told you it was an easy journey perhaps had already gone through some levels and had appreciated the order in which things works.


I really appreciate your insights in this article,the role of patients and humility can never be downplay, and in truth it's highly crucial as we follow order in achieving our goals and attaining personal growth, and most of all I believe this serves as a reminder of the need to appreciate every stage in our journey to the top.

That's the fact of life, there is order and levels we need to go through to achieve any goal. Thanks for stopping by and for your thoughtful comments.

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To understand levels and orders, especially how to successfully navigate through them, often requires a lot of patience. Trying to find a shortcut through them hardly ever works. In many cases, it just makes the journey a lot longer!

Nice writeup bro. The issue of orderliness has existed from time immemorial when even the physical earth was created. By extension, it means that playing down on these principles of 'order' as a result of impatient will only lead to negative outcomes.